Family Won’t Seek Class Damages for Pennsylvania Webcam Spying

May 14, 2010

  • May 14, 2010 at 4:35 am
    Mongoose says:
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    The camera was operated remotely. The school district could turn it one from their computer. Neither the students or their parents were told of the “tracking” program hooked up to the webcam.

    If he ws doing drugs they could not do anything about it. I guess they forgot about probable cause.

  • May 14, 2010 at 6:53 am
    Nerd of Insurance says:
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    Well, I do not agree with B&N not giving the apology, I understand why they didn’t. the moment they apoligize, they are admitting they did wrong, and thus lose any possible defence they may or may not have had if the family desided to sue them even after they recieved an apology. Just like when you have an auto accident, you should not say you are sorry, even if you think you are 100% at fault.

    “Releases”, just like waivers, are not iron clad.

  • May 19, 2010 at 7:58 am
    XYZ says:
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    not to mention the minors that potentially were dressing while they had the laptop open on their desk in their room….now video/pictures of a minor half dressed? Hmmm…

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