New Jersey Says Firemen’s Carnival is A Fire Hazard

July 9, 2008

  • July 9, 2008 at 9:29 am
    wudchuck says:
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    but with all the firemen there, they should have plenty of firetrucks and other extiquishers on hand. if this is a carnival, then this is like any carnival on the road, where there is not overhead suppression system. sounds to me that someone is unhappy that the firemen are trying to give back a little to the community but also bringing in somemoney to keeps it’s doors operating. so, if they have to shut down the carnival, does that mean the city or county going to have to find a way to make $25k extra per year? afterall, don’t they get a piece of the pie anyways?

  • July 9, 2008 at 3:41 am
    Right on! says:
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    I’ll be sure to take a look for fire suppression systems the next carnival/fair/whatever I attend. Betcha I don’t find any. Looks like the unhappy minority is running the show….again.

  • July 9, 2008 at 4:12 am
    Dread says:
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    Just another example of the lunacy of the “soprano state”. Why is a state agency sticking it’s nose into a 70 year old event? It’s not like there aren’t other targets of opportunity for them to focus on like murder, assault, rape, drugs, theft, political graft, pay to play.

  • July 10, 2008 at 2:34 am
    Little Frog says:
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    I don’t know who to be more irritated at. The Firemen for believing their badge can get them around the rules everyone else has to follow; or a bunch of Nanny State bureaucrats incapable of applying common sense in the real world.

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