“prevention” can be engineered into most processes; human beings isn’t one of them. It’s tantamount to suggesting you can prevent lightning strikes, or babies from crying. This whack job of an idiot is prime example of that. Why does society always insist on placing blame on everybody else everytime some emotionally, mentally, or otherwise flawed nut-case goes ballistic. Like Jimmy Buffet said ” it’s a jungle out there kiddies….have a very fruitful day”
Agreed Tom, from the story it sounds that people aren’t suing for the act itself but for contributing neglegence for not taking the gun away, getting medical care, etc.
I wish IJ would keep up with this one, it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.
I have wondered when this subject would again raise it’s ugly head. The legal profession opened this can in 2001 when they convinced the court that neglegent parenting was covered by the Homeowners policy, in the Columbine school shooting. In that case the payment was $2.5 Million.
I just want to know if this guy was 25 (assumed) and an attorney why was he still living w/mom & dad to begin with? He’s legally an adult and should be responsible for his own actions. Definitely, the policy takes into account vicarious liability of the parents for their child’s actions, but surely the policy doesn’t adequately contemplate negligent acts of adult children still residing within the home. I underwrite in VA, and you can bet I get real detail oriented whenever I run across the 30+ year old kid that lives with the ‘rents.
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“prevention” can be engineered into most processes; human beings isn’t one of them. It’s tantamount to suggesting you can prevent lightning strikes, or babies from crying. This whack job of an idiot is prime example of that. Why does society always insist on placing blame on everybody else everytime some emotionally, mentally, or otherwise flawed nut-case goes ballistic. Like Jimmy Buffet said ” it’s a jungle out there kiddies….have a very fruitful day”
Agreed Tom, from the story it sounds that people aren’t suing for the act itself but for contributing neglegence for not taking the gun away, getting medical care, etc.
I wish IJ would keep up with this one, it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.
I have wondered when this subject would again raise it’s ugly head. The legal profession opened this can in 2001 when they convinced the court that neglegent parenting was covered by the Homeowners policy, in the Columbine school shooting. In that case the payment was $2.5 Million.
I just want to know if this guy was 25 (assumed) and an attorney why was he still living w/mom & dad to begin with? He’s legally an adult and should be responsible for his own actions. Definitely, the policy takes into account vicarious liability of the parents for their child’s actions, but surely the policy doesn’t adequately contemplate negligent acts of adult children still residing within the home. I underwrite in VA, and you can bet I get real detail oriented whenever I run across the 30+ year old kid that lives with the ‘rents.