Maine Bicyclists Could Face Helmet, Drunk Pedaling Rules

June 1, 2007

  • June 1, 2007 at 3:50 am
    aunti everything says:
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    The dressed comment was sarcasm. Some bikers spend more on outfits and bikes than I spent on my car. My fitness has nothing to do with anything. Some bikers, such as your superiorness, have a look down their nose attitude. My real comment was on the fact that bikers are just as bad as drivers in ignoring the rules of the road. I was 10 feet from the biker traveling on the side of the road when he decided to swerve into the middle of the street. He was lucky that this was in town with a 25 mile an hour speed limit and that I do obey the speed limits. I don\’t care if you get on your high horse, just don\’t see yourself as some superior being because you want to be fit. We all have a right to the highway and should just observe common sense in dealing with others. I have always been of the opinion that bikers should be extra careful. I am protected by a couple tons of metal so if I make a mistake I get a scratched car, the biker visits his or her ancestors. Seems like a real important reason for bikers to be extremely observant of traffic around them. I\’m not on one side or another, just an observation.

  • June 1, 2007 at 3:53 am
    Kay says:
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    I\’m learning here! You have the right of way? If you\’re riding on the street? Believe me, I actually am one that would let you pass. I lived in Chicago for many years; walking to and from work daily I became very aware of what it\’s like to be on the offensive. I didn\’t know that you had the right of way when riding on the street however. I would have thought you were held to the same laws as cars. Regarding the jerks speeding up to turn right, karma is all I have to say.

    If only common sense was the rule rather than exception, the world would be a much nicer place.

  • June 1, 2007 at 3:59 am
    aunti everything says:
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    They only have one traffic law in Chicago, I get there first I win.

  • June 1, 2007 at 4:11 am
    TPG says:
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    My comments were also sarcastic. But being a cyclist, the first thing people say is \”how do you wear that stuff\”, so I am sure you can understand my defensive nature.

    But in all seriousness, we bikers are well aware that we have to share the road with 1000 lb masses of metal speeding by within a few feet of us. What\’s the worst that would happen to you in an accident? You scratch your paint job. The outlook for me is much worse, so I try my best to hug the shoulder and stay our of your way. But I that think knowing what the consequences of risky riding are, you will find the crazy cyclist to be the exception, not the rule.

    As you would yield the right of way to a pedestrian, you should also yield to a cyclist. And karma doesn\’t do me much good when I am a pancake on the road.

  • June 1, 2007 at 4:27 am
    Bill Reed says:
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    Bikes are foreign objects on a road designed for automobile travel. In spite of what cyclist think car drivers \”should\” do to be courteous, it isn\’t going to happen 100% of the time and they had better accept that. They\’re assuming the risk, not the car driver. In the battle between a cycle and a car…… on the car. Unless the public want to pay more taxes for bike lanes, the situation isn\’t likely to change.

  • June 1, 2007 at 4:45 am
    Kay says:
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    TPG- I\’m really not trying to press the issue or cause disagreement as you and I are of similar opinion – people need to be curteous. However, pedestrians are within the cross walk, not coming up behind me in the roadway. I\’m just curious regarding the current laws of the road as respects your right-of-way. I plead ignorance of the laws…

  • June 1, 2007 at 4:58 am
    Driver says:
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    It\’s not you and your particular mindset, which I applaud by the way. It does seem that the majority of bike riders do exactly what you try to avoid. Like the majority of drivers that try to be safe & courteous, I\’m sure the majority of bike riders are the same. What gets all the press is the small vocal group that do think they own the road whether on two wheels or four & cause problems for the rest of us.

  • June 1, 2007 at 6:35 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    is there nothing you can do while drunk anymore? ;-) just kidding…well if there isn\’t, i\’ll just get hammered and have that st. louis cardnial baseball players dad sue on my behalf.

    although, i\’d rather have someone hop on a ten speed while intoxicated than in a car. but i digress, i have no idea how many people die yearly from drunken biking.

    and no one is jealous of ANYONE who chooses to wear spandex….that\’s your fashion faux paus to make, not mine. plus, what else would i giggle at?

    is it time to go home yet?

  • June 5, 2007 at 11:32 am
    CLR says:
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    Well, I am in agreement that we should be courteous when driving; I have to say that I do not particularly care for the cyclists on the roadways, as they cause problems by being somewhere that was designed for motorized vehicles. If the cyclists have so many in support of cycling, then they need to lobby to their state government to put in bike lanes for the peddlers. They can pay for the registration on the bikes to help cover the cost of maintenance to those lanes. I would suggest that any road with a speed limit of 35 mph should not have bicycles mixed with cars, unless in a neighborhood area with no access to interstates, state highways, etc….

    I hope that we can all play together when we can but in reality, not everyone needs to be in places where the play is to dangerous! I know it would hurt me deeply to hit a bicycle with my car, even if I didn’t kill or mangle the rider, I would have serious problems behind it – so stay out of my way & don’t drive in front of me just because you think you should be able to – wait until it’s safe to do so!!!!

    I drive 20 mph or less in my neighborhood so the kids can see me & have time to pull over out of the roadway & then as I pass slowly, I wave to them & they smile & wave back – they are good kids, but they know their place on the neighborhood streets, so please cyclists, learn your place on the roads too!

  • June 6, 2007 at 4:34 am
    steve says:
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    BUI’s have been around for some time now and should not exactly be considered something new. I went to Arizona State and rode my bicycle everywhere and yes, I got a BUI one time coming home from a bar. You can still be a danger to your self and others operating a bicycle under the influence…

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