Ex-Pats’, Current Notre Dame Coach Files Suit Over Obesity Surgery

January 26, 2007

  • January 30, 2007 at 12:54 pm
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    Rosie, you remind me of that mental giant on the view; if you don\’t get your way, then out with those who disagree. First of all, no one is required a degree in rocket science to post here. I see you\’ve made your own comments about \’compassionate conservatism\’ and \’cold heartedness\’; seems like you\’re able to throw labels around quite well. Just so long as there is a ban on those who offend you.

    I\’m just concerned why those of you who want to stick it to the doctors haven\’t noted that this guy did in fact recover and now allegedly has the job of his dreams…I\’m sorry he and his family had a tremendous scare, but this type of surgery is really risky stuff. Let\’s just way it\’s often best to \’weigh\’ the alternatives. Charlie is a good guy from the stories I\’ve read about him, but this appears to be a money grab. Sorry if we offend.

  • February 9, 2007 at 11:00 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    From the secret Charlie X files:
    It was right after the Super Bowl, and after eating us out of house, home, and a couple refrigerator racks. My wife told me Notre Dame had called, but I couldn\’t find the phone under all the twinkie wrappers and McDonald\’s cartons on the floor; I figured who cares, who would want to coach at the college level after the pro\’s anyway. I was getting hungry again, so I went out for some snacks and necessities. The dogs were getting whiny as I hadn\’t fed them, so I was in Wal-Mart; I had one cart full of Sam\’s brand pizzas and muffins, and I had a second cart to load several large bags of PXXXXX dog chow and was in line to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had any dogs; I thought \’yeah lady, I just buy this stuff for fun\’. But I tried to be polite, but she continued to pry, and I was feeling a bit crabby so on impulse, I told her no, I was starting dog food diet again (brand name withheld, but one of the namebrands), although I probably shouldn\’t because I ended up in the hospital last time. I opened the end of the bag and took out a handful and started eating the stuff. I was too hungover to taste anything, but it wasn\’t half bad. I embellished it abit and told her for meals, I sometimes pour beef broth over it and pretend it\’s roast beef with gravy. Continuing, I told the nosy twit I\’d lost 50 pounds the last time I tried the diet, but I awakened in an intensive care unit with tubes coming out of most of my body and IV\’s in both arms. Her eyes about bugged out of her head.

    I went on and on with the bogus diet story and she was totally buying it. I told her that it was an easy, inexpensive diet and that the way it works is to load your pockets or purse with nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The package said the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again.

    I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy behind her. I was already on my second handful of nuggets, and a couple people behind me asked if they could try them and did. No one complained about the taste, and the tall guy even said it was pretty good.

    Horrified, the lady asked if something in the dog food had poisoned me and was that why I ended up in the hospital.

    I said no…..I\’d been sitting in the street licking my butt when a car hit me. I then decided against the dog food diet and called the surgeon.

  • February 12, 2007 at 2:07 am
    Linda says:
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    What in the world does this have to do with this article????

  • February 14, 2007 at 1:17 am
    Lawyer says:
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    Unfortunately, Chad suffers from a condition known as \”I hate people.\”, \”I know everything.\” and \”People are greedy because I have nothing.\” I run into this type of person everyday in my practice. To set Chad straight, the question is not whether there are \”risks\” associated with a particular surgery. The question is whether the doctors failed to perform appropriate medical care (standard of care) that caused his complications, coma and near death. If problems arose that were not caused by the doctor\’s neligence, then there is no recovery for this \”risk.\” If the doctor\’s caused the problem, then this was not a \”risk\” but rather \”negligence.\” To those commentators who say lawyers are ruining medicine, they should be thankful that lawyers have the power to represent individuals who are harmed when doctors mess up. I couldn\’t imagine living in a world otherwise.

  • February 14, 2007 at 4:04 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    wow, it\’s really an honor to get such an accurate diagnosis; and I didn\’t even have to see a doctor! I just waited for a helpful lawyer to come along. Now I can get along the road to recovery. Thank you Lawyer! You are wise and know all. Without you, people would try to cheat others out of money and stuff. I\’m so happy to have been helped by Lawyer, and I didn\’t even have to pay the contingency! What a stand up, uh, guy, I guess, although if your a gal, I appreciate you just a much, Lawyer. Now I can stop hatin\’ everyone.

  • February 14, 2007 at 5:36 am
    Ralph Balamabama says:
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    I agree that your profession does serve a noble purpose and is needed by our society. The problem is the vast majority of you are bottom feeders taking advantage of the poor for your own benefit but to the detriment of society. Look at our politicians in congress, senate, local and state reps. They wouldn’t know the truth or meaning of integrity if it smacked them in the face and can you believe that most of them are… you guessed it lawyers? What do you call a million lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start!!

  • February 20, 2007 at 8:32 am
    Ralph B says:
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    Some of these fools do not get it. Lawyers steal from the deep pockets to line their own. Society pays the cost and their clients often do not even have enough to compensate after they have paid their lawyer his unfair share. We have a county in the area I live (suburban Midwest) very liberal courts that has about 350,000 people but is down to 2 obgyn doctors serving the entire county. The lawyers have filed so many lawsuits the ob doctors have left. Now these women are forced to drive between 30-60 minutes to get to the next county where they can get an ob to see them. That my friend is what lawyers are doing for us. If you live there your pregnant wife will drive an hour to see a good ob and then that far to deliver at a good hospital. Hope it is not an emergency!!!

  • February 20, 2007 at 6:59 am
    ccmdds says:
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    I have to laugh everytime I hear a scum bag plantiff attorney, whose yellow page ad reads \”no recovery, no fee\” , try to defend their lowlife way of making a living. I\’ve had 2 Malpractice suits against me & both have been dropped because I refused to knuckle under to the pressure of graciously settling out of court for $80k, then 1 month later $40k, then another month later $10k then expenses then nothing because I refused to give in to the EXTORTION from the plantiffs atty. I told both I\’d see them in court & basically to kiss my ***!!! My malpractice carrier would have settled had I chosen to But, like Weiss, their post-op complications were an unfortunate side-effect of the Rootcanal Therapy or 3rd Molar surgery. Like Weiss, my pts. signed consent forms before hand aprising them of these side-effects, yet still found a bottom feeder who took their case because in Louisiana…\”No recovery, no fee!!!\” I expect this kind of \’I just hit the lottery because the Dr./DDS F*&#@d up\’ from the trailer trash that tried to sue me. I don\’t expect it from someone like Weiss whom I am guessing has as much $$ as he needs so I have to agree that he is getting bad advise from someone. Probably yet another scumbag barrister trying to hit the lottery with a sympathetic jury or hoping the MDs just don\’t want to deal with it & settle out of court. What a pathetic way to make a living!!!!

  • February 21, 2007 at 10:57 am
    Aurora B. E. Alice says:
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    If Ralph would quit getting his wife pregnant, he wouldn\’t care about ob/gyns.

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