Pittsburgh QB Roethlisberger Passes on Helmet Ads Despite Accident

July 18, 2006

  • July 19, 2006 at 1:31 am
    Hooray says:
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    Great idea…..waive my rights to sue the idiot who causes the accident in the first place. The idiot is likely one of you 3 on your cell phone or just not paying attention in general.

    I happen to live in the country where the worst thing that happes is you get hit by a big bug. So you want to legislate my freedom away because you are worried about premiums or an insurance company having to settle. If that is your best argument for giving up your freedoms and taking mine away, you really need to get a life and a better paying job or switch carriers. Try Am Fam genious. LOL

  • July 19, 2006 at 2:04 am
    Ladyrider says:
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    Rock on!! I AM a rider and am so sick of hearing people repeat the same old pablum over and over. How many people have actually pulled a helmet off the shelf and read the tags?? I found a warning about the helment is not guaranteed to be effective for injuries sustained at speeds over 13 mph (YES 13!!). Also, lets take every accident out of the \”statistics\” that is proven to be caused by the OTHER driver. Oh, I guess you can\’t do that because when I\’m hit by a 1/2 ton vehicle who claims \”But, I didn\’t see her\”, there is only one voice left. You\’re drunk, you\’re yakkin on the phone, stuffing your face,changing your tunes, weaving all over the road and smack into me, but because I don\’t have a helmet I AM WRONG? Give me a break. Dude, keep your eyes on the road so you don\’t hit me and I won\’t be in the hospital.

  • July 19, 2006 at 2:08 am
    non-idiot says:
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    I think you should read slower. You obviously couldn\’t grasp the concept right away. Allow me to simplify: if you fall with no helmet you get hurt. Hurt results in: accident clean up, medical bills, and unnecessary use of EMS workers. You don\’t pay for any of those things. Taxpayers and policy holders do. So guess what? We don\’t care about your freedom when it compares to my hard earned money flying faster out of my pocket due to your idiocy. So yes, I would legislate your freedom away if it means stable premium. Hey you want to crack your head open, go for it. Wouldn\’t bother me none, right up until the point where I am affected by it. I honestly hope you will grow up one day and stop taking your life for granted. Good luck hooray; you\’ll need it.

  • July 20, 2006 at 10:55 am
    Ladyrider says:
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    Sorry non? idiot, but you have it backwards. If I get hit by a car that is breaking the traffic laws – I get hurt, period, helmet or not.

    As far as your statement \”I would legislate your freedom away if it means stable premium\”. My freedom IS your freedom. This country is based on equal rights for all. Why don\’t you do a little research on your own into the truth before you start lobbying for \”big brother\” government.

    Oh, by the way, I have a family,own my own home,am employed and a productive member of society. I pay my own insurance premiums and taxes for the EMS and police force. I have every type of insurance coverage on me needed to protect me and my family in the event some idiot decides his pocket change is more important that the red light he just ran.

    I want to end by thanking you for your post. I am sending an extra check to my state ABATE chapter so they can continue the fight to keep our rights. You have done us a great service by strenghtening the resolve of our legislative committee.

  • July 20, 2006 at 1:16 am
    Hooray says:
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    Thank you lady rider….well said. That\’s the problem with this country….80-85% of the population think like non-idiot.

    FYI…non-idiot..I too have full coverage on all of my vehicles, my home and personal possesions. Oh, forgot health and life too. On top of that I carry a large umbrella cover. As I said in an earlier post, if your unhappy with your pay and feel your underpaid, find a better paying job. Don\’t give up your and MY rights because you are living beyond your means to begin with. Also, if you paid my property tax bill which you obviously can\’t afford, my village is more than adequately reimbursed for cleaning up an accident scene as well. My final suggestion to you, don\’t procreate. If it\’s too late, let your wife raise the kids. Hopefully the kids get their smarts from her, \’cause the light at the end of the tunnel for you sir, has burned out.

  • July 22, 2006 at 9:24 am
    freedom rider says:
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    for all of those that wish the rest of us to live under your thumb and give up our freedoms to choose YOU OBVIOUSLY live in the wrong country get the F–k outwhy dont you jump the sh-t of the yuppies the break the law and speed thru our residential developments almost twice the speed limit because they just worked a 14 hour day and they are in a hurry to get home ……… total disregard for others. I do ride a bike bike and in the last 22 years i have been in 2 major accidents and they were both caused by careless pieces of sh-t\’s that were driving 4 wheelers ! not giving a F–K about what is going on around them. the last was 2 weeks ago an suv came off of a side street straight into me broadside and left the scene ….1800.00 damage to the bike i ended up with bruised ribs and chest as well as torn muscles in my chest.i wasn\’t sighted but i eat all the cost of the accident and my rates go up because of the driver in the SUV that left the scene of the accident. so go jump on some tree hugging band wagon in some other country somewhere and leave rights of us hard working,tax paying AMERICANS ALONE !

  • July 24, 2006 at 2:38 am
    Bengal fan says:
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    I wish Kimo \’Cheapshot\’ Van Oelhofen would ride around without his helmet!

  • July 24, 2006 at 4:56 am
    1who knows says:
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    Im all for helmets, but some of these non-helmet risk takers might actually be savings us money. Helmet wearers are more likely to live, thus becoming a vegtable and ward of the state for many years, where the non-helmet wearer will die more quickly.

  • July 24, 2006 at 6:00 am
    personal freedom says:
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    I want to address the line that states that we have personal choices because we can go home and eat pizza for dinner if we want. Look at the amount of health insurance claims and increases in premiums stem from poor eating habits. How long will it be before the Choice Nazi\’s declare war on fat and sugar and we are left with only certain government allowed foods in our super markets. Everyone\’s choice about everything affects all the rest of us and our pocketbooks, from whether you spoil your children, eat fast food, or choose to recycle or not. So why should MY personal safety be any more concern to you than any other choice of mine. Freedom to make dumb decisions is what makes this country great.

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