N.Y. Cell Phone Ban Sets a Dangerous Course, Attorney Argues

June 8, 2006

  • June 9, 2006 at 3:22 am
    Age Old says:
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    Ij readers will recall the study that said hands free phones are no safer when driving, its the lack of attention to the road that casues accidents. FACT is a bad driver is a bad driver and a GOOD driver is a good driver. Most women who sit in my passenger seat think im not listening to them, because I wont make eye contact. I choose to keep my eyes on the rd 99% of the time.

  • June 10, 2006 at 3:24 am
    ts says:
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    Remember back in the day when we complained about the people who ate, drank, talked, put on make-up, shaved, read, changed the radio station,and so on while they were SUPPOSED to be driving? What is the difference with cell phones? I doubt that 100 % of the time when we are cut off or almost being hit by someone they are on a cell phone. I think that everyone just needs to PAY ATTENTION!! How about this write a ticket for driving while distracted and that will cover everything.

  • June 9, 2006 at 4:40 am
    One candle says:
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    Question: If a drunk driver is properly stopped or parked, and some guy checking out babes rear-ends him, is the drunk at fault? In many places, yes! If we don\’t get away from blaming things for our own failures, we\’re going to end up like France. Unless you ban everything, there\’s always something. Like Pogo used to say \”I have seen the enemy; and he is us\”.

  • June 9, 2006 at 4:53 am
    Sick & Tired says:
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    I am so sick & tired of being cut off at intersections because the other driver is distracted by his/her cell phone conversation. Don\’t even get me STARTED on the drivers that make those W I D E turns and end up in my lane because they are busy holding or dialing a phone.
    I live in NY and have YET to see anyone pay attention to the \”no phone while driving\” law. And yes, I DO own a cell phone – I just chose to use it appropriately.
    Pay the **** fine!

  • June 10, 2006 at 10:21 am
    jt says:
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    I did not see that study but if that\’s what it reported it is a flawed study. I do agree with your point about driver attentiveness being the key. The problem is that too many drivers need laws like this to force them to act responsibly (even though most ignore the law anyway).

  • June 12, 2006 at 12:04 pm
    Kevin says:
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    Instead of passing laws that say what we can or cannot do while driving, I think there should be a revised driver education system in the US. If you really think about it, all you have to do is pass a goofy written test at 15, and a quick road test when you\’re 16 and that\’s it. I\’ve done track days and drivers schools at different race tracks which have helped me become a better, more attentive driver more than anything else has. We NEED better drivers education!!!

  • June 12, 2006 at 12:29 pm
    ccgirl says:
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    I too agree with \’what about my personal freedom\’! Yes, driving is a privilege, but I have the right to drive without the danger of someone who is paying absolutely no attention what so ever on the road because that someone has to talk to their friend to re-hash the last episode of American Idol or Desperate Housewives on the way to work.

    Here\’s a site with some startling statistics & cases.

    But try to think about this. Is that call so important that someone could die over it? Can\’t you call them back?

  • June 12, 2006 at 12:52 pm
    FEEL GOOD says:
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    Let\’s really split the atoms folks:

    Let\’s go back to walking:

    1. No complaining about High Oil Costs.
    2. No complaining about High Insurance.
    3. Better for the Environment.
    4. Cut\’s down on US obesity problems.
    5. No Cell Phone while driving whining!

    Please feel free to add more my fellow bloggers.

    Feel Good

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