N.Y. Groups to Study Effects of Insurers Denying Dog Owners Coverage

March 13, 2006

  • March 21, 2006 at 2:39 am
    Nancy says:
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    I do think some breeds of dogs are more agressive and statistics can back this up. How about a surcharge for people who have these types of dogs or other pets who may harm visitors?

    If you don\’t have a dog when you take out the policy do you have to advise your company if you buy one mid-term?

    I do think people need to be responsible for their choices but lets not totally exclude them. Some big dogs are nice and would not intentionally hurt anyone that did not attack them 1st.

  • March 22, 2006 at 12:44 pm
    E&O Joe says:
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    I’m sorry, what is your point? That Safeco rates certain vehicles higher than others? That a corvette is faster than a Porsche 911? Am I missing something? I thought we had been discussing reasons why some insurance companies exclude certain dog breeds in their underwriting criteria.

    Perhaps you were questioning my fast car/higher auto insurance scenario. If so, I still believe that, regardless of driving/claim history, one should expect to pay higher auto insurance premiums for a sports car (any sports car, ok?) than they would for, say, a mini van. If you are having difficulties drawing a parallel from that example to our dog discussion, I apologize.

  • March 22, 2006 at 4:36 am
    jessi says:
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    I don\’t we should be penalized just because we have a \”vicious\” breed. I own a pit bull and a beagle. The beagle is more aggressive than my pit bull. The pit bull is the biggest baby ever, he loves everybody. So why should I be penalized just for owning this type of dog. I\’ve had him for almost 3 yrs now and he\’s not once hurt anyone. My ins carrier/Erie ins found about him and want to drop me. Where will my dog go now????

  • March 22, 2006 at 6:06 am
    Joe Sesto says:
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    Perhaps you were questioning my fast car/higher auto insurance scenario. If so, I still believe that, regardless of driving/claim history, >>>one should expect to pay higher auto insurance premiums for a sports car (any sports car, ok?)

  • March 22, 2006 at 6:35 am
    Joe Sesto says:
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    Only part of my response was sent…I may have used a character that snipped the rest off.

    Briefly it said auto physical danage premiums are determined by symbols…the higher the symbol…the higher the premium. THe symbol for the Corvette is a 19, the Q45 20, BMW 740 23. The Q45 is only $4k more initially than the C6…the 740 is over $20K more, hence the higher symbol and premium, even tho it is driven by a lower rated married female.

    The C6 costs $56k…a 911S about $95K…both perform within ticks of seconds of each other. The 911S will be more expensive to insure because it is foreign made, component parts are unbelievably expensive, it is more of a theft target and is driven by younger 30ish drivers. The Corvette is domestic built, most parts are domestic, it has a fibreglass body that in comparison can be easier to repair. The avg. Corvette owner is 51 yrs. old more than likely a less aggressive driver than one in their 30\’s. Physical damage rates are set by many factors, but theft frequency, accident frequency and severity, damagability in a minor accident, cost of components, all contribute to determining that symbol in addition to original cost new.

    Yes it cost more to insure a Corvette than a minivan…as there are no $56k minivans.

  • March 31, 2006 at 2:23 am
    Joyce says:
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    I guess that I\’m lucky to have an insurance company that doesn\’t have a list for bad dog breeds. (State Farm ins.)I found this out when buying my first home 4yrs ago. So it does pay to look around.

  • February 23, 2007 at 10:28 am
    Beth says:
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    The Dog Federation of NY and My Dog Votes (a couple of people printing stickers in a back room) are lobbying groups for FOR-PROFIT DOG BREEDERS, including puppy mills and dog fighters.

    The interest here is protecting profits made by breeding dogs, specifically aggressive dogs, and the \”research\” will be propaganda.

    They have no access to any shelter or rescue group\’s records, and in fact have harassed said groups in past.

    Smoke and mirrors.

    \”Owners\” equals for-profit breeders.

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