FEMA, Insurers, Adjusters Charged in Md. Lawsuit by Isabel Flood Victims

June 9, 2005

  • June 11, 2005 at 12:09 pm
    Devastated and Homeless says:
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    To all of those people (including the agents and adjusters) who believe we are wrong in our claims and demand for payment, please tell me this…

    What would your family say if you told them that you did all the right things to prepare in the event of a natural disaster, but now the “reputable” companies and government agencies who promised to bring you back to your “pre-flood condition” and previous standard of living are now the same ones giving you pennies on the dollars for necessary repairs and asserting they are only required to provide “a little assistance.”

    What would your family say if you told them they must live in 275 square feet of space for the next two or more years? Along with this, they can only shower while turning the water on and off, because the hot water will not last for one, much less four showers, for the family! Then, when the winter comes, ice forms on the INSIDE of your trailer, mold is an everyday occurrence, and water and sewer pipes freeze, leaving you to live in disgusting conditions.

    All the while, your beautiful home sits just a few feet away, left without heat or air conditioning, or even electricity in many cases. Your children cannot play, have friends over, celebrate birthdays, holidays or family celebrations, as there is no room. Your children are ridiculed at school and unable to focus on their studies. Illness is a part of your everyday life. You, your children and even your pets are destroyed, homeless, depressed and lost.

    Tell me then, how you can face that same family, your neighbors and coworkers without disgrace and upset. Tell me then that you are not entitled to the coverage you have continued paying on for nearly twenty years. Tell me then that the loss of nearly two years of your lives is not worth anything.

    If you feel you can still look me in the eye and tell me this, then please do so. I personally invite you to bring your family to live with mine in these conditions and then let’s see if you can possibly say this to me, as well as to your own children.

  • June 11, 2005 at 3:27 am
    Homeless says:
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    Let me see now. We live in a country that prides itself in being first responders to tragedies all over the world, so the insurance industry thinks we should be content with actually PAYING for insurance to cover our loss in a tragedy and then be happy when the same government asks us to be content with half a house. We are not asking for a “handout.” We paid for coverage for the $$ amount that would replace out homes. Now, the insurance industry wants us to settle for half a home because as my adjuster said to me “you must be overinsured.” Ha ha. All the while I heard no one offering to return our premiums. Try being homeless for what is now almost two years and then get back to me and tell me how you liked it.

  • June 11, 2005 at 6:25 am
    Motta says:
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    Purchasing a flood insurance policy is like buying a TV with nothing in it. And, your mortgage company requires that you do this. Unfortunately, this purchase is made from the only manufacturer in existance.

    The first time you need it, you discover that it doesn’t work. This is because it doesn’t have a picture tube and all of the other components.

    When you protest to the manufacturer, you’re given the run around, you’re lied to and you’re the victim of illegal practices. On top of all that, this TV manufactuer is hired and backed by the US Government specifically so that these things don’t take place.

    You are forced to repair the TV at your own expense.

    These additional expenses are so costly that you exhaust your savings, run up the credit cards and depleat your retirement.

  • June 12, 2005 at 10:13 am
    Still Homelss in Maryland says:
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    2 billion, I suppose the Replacement Value Policy I was sold, and paid a boosted premium for, State that it would completely replace my home were it destroyed by flood. Instead I received $57, 000.00. It will cost 100 per sq foot to rebuild totaling $180,000.00. Do that math and tell me where I misunderstood my insurance agent. Tell me again how I did not know my policy.

    While a good deal of the investigations and FEMA task force gathering was going on I lived on a boat, we were frozen into the river as it was the coldest winter in this area in a long time. We were not even offered a FEMA trailer. And when I begged for rent help we were denied, not our right, but denied by silence.

    I cornered FEMA at a “Help Fair”, after humiliating them into it we finally did get a FEMA trailer. March over a year ago.

    We still had not received our insurance settlement by then. Had not come to terms with the SBA, who I might note are absent from this settlement, even though they too low ball the low interest loans. Could not begin to rebuild, and were and still are repeatedly told how lucky we are. Did you know FEMA comes every month to do a Bed check, to insure you’re still using the trailer? Making sure your not too rich that you stay with a relative, or god forbid you might get an apartment and you would be defrauding them!

    I have been told so many lies, starting with the first responders, carrying through Anne Arundel County building officials, that we are left most times alone, in the dark. We were defrauded by not only FEMA and our insurance Company All State. But also the SBA, â€Åâ€ŔWe will help you with low interest loans.” Small print, until your insurance money comes in to repay us. Anne Arundel County, â€Åâ€ŔWe will help you get through the rebuild process with access to AA county codes experts, building inspection exceptions, and faster plan approvals” Small Print: We will do this as long as YOU are completely versed in ALL AA County codes, until then we will make your life miserable, slow the process and constantly threaten you with fines. And after you get through all of that, we will send inspectors to harass you for not being an AA county preferred builder, change your plans, change our minds, and then fine you again for not being able to read our minds.

    I am not asking to be made rich, I am asking for my dignity back. My home back, my life, you see after all this, while in the FEMA trailer, I was told I have a rare lung disease usually brought on by molds and I will die in less than five years. We pray the doctors are wrong, but the diagnosis hasn’t changed.

    My husband is rebuilding the house alone. I am sure that was in my policy.

  • June 12, 2005 at 12:05 pm
    battered isabel survivor says:
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    It’s unbeliavable what we have been through since Isabel.
    We had full coverage and Omaha Mutual refused to pay us what we are entitled to. It’s interesting that Omaha is not mentioned in the article. Why is that?
    We have lost our homes, lived in trailers and fought the good fight. Omaha told us- that’s all you get, sue us. (Yes, we paid for full coverage). We followed the procedures, as we were instructed, while others, who had no idea of our plight, critized us in their ignorance.
    Walk in our shoes for 1 minute.Some of you have no idea what dealing with this issue has cost us.
    We spent the better part of 2 years on the phone begging various agencies for help, making copies, faxing info, going to meetings, getting estimates, etc.
    There was no other recourse but to file.
    What is your life worth when someone destroys it?
    All we wanted was the coverage that we paid for. Not charity, this is coverage we paid for and were denied.
    We can hold our heads up high because we have not done anything wrong.
    We are holding the companies accountable for their actions. They had their chance to do the right thing and didn’t.
    Our attorney is one of the few people who stood up in our defense. He deserves every penny he gets. And so do we.
    What’s 2 years of YOUR life worth????
    May it never happen to you.

  • June 13, 2005 at 7:37 am
    Jack Pot says:
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    Sorry Fred, if the article is at all accurate, there are only 140 people suing and there’s no mention of a class action. And if it is actually a class action, your math is wrong too. The lawyer get his and each member of the class gets $1.98.

  • June 13, 2005 at 8:17 am
    Disgusted says:
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    Jackpot – I think not. Try walking in our shoes. For the past two years our lives have been ruined. My mother who was once an active and vibrant woman is on her death bed now. Probably with only weeks to live. No amount of money can replace my mother. I am hocked up to my neck. I was planning on retiring in 5 years. So much for the good life. My health is now failing. My job is at risk. I have aged 10 years in the past two years. And I cry more than smile these days. And we should be grateful for the pennies on the dollar we received and not angry at what has been done to all of us. Live in luxury the rest of our lives. I think not. No amount of money can bring back what we have lost.

  • June 13, 2005 at 4:53 am
    Fred Gwynn says:
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    I owe an apology to anyone who was affected as badly as some of the postings that accompanied my first comments about not knowing what the policy covers, and the lawsuit being a litigious exercise.

    The poor faith efforts of the Adjustors, insurane companies, FEMA, Anne Arundel officials, building inspectors, etc. leaves two important questions:

    1.) Has anyone had a decent Home or Building replacement experience with the flooding from Isabelle?
    2.) And why are their only 140 particpants in this lawsuit? With the number of damaged Home structures and what seems to be a relatively comprehensive conspiracy to avoid full replacement and rebuild with like kind and quality, One would guess a great deal more people would be part of this lawsuit?

  • June 14, 2005 at 9:29 am
    readytomoveon says:
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    I considered signing on for the lawsuit, I changed my mind in the end because I was just ready to move on and put this behind us.

    We got about 50 cents on the dollar for our damage. We have demolished the house and after wrangling with the SBA got a construction loan to finance a new house.

    My kids and hubby just want our lives back.

  • June 14, 2005 at 11:13 am
    Joanne Kraft says:
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    The adjuster assigned to my claim visited my home twice; the first time after dark one week after the flood. No electricity and no one else there (Ihad waited for him 4 hours). When I talked to him the following week, I asked how he could possibly have seen anything….how he could have crawled under the house to examine structural damage. Just one of many problems with the NFIP process. We pay premiums for 30 years to protect ourselves against such a loss and trust that we will be treated fairly. NFIP and the adjuster ignored the contractor estimates I provided and instead gave me 1/3 of what I needed to rebuild. I will not be a victim of this fraud.

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