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19,008 Every Workday
AAM Audit, Average Jan-June 2024Top Business Categories
- Insurer: 39%
- Agency: 28%
- Service Provider: 9%
- Wholesale: 8%
- Technology: 7%
- Government: 3%
- Non-profit / Association: 2%
Decision Makers
- Manager: 29%
- C-Level: 17%
- VP-Level: 6%
- Director: 4%
- Senior: 3%
Week's Most Popular
Our hottest email newsletter features the top 10 most-read articles on ClaimsJournal.com from the past week.
Opt-In Subscribers
18,925 Every Monday
AAM Audit, Average Jan-June 2024Top Business Categories
- Insurer: 40%
- Agency: 29%
- Service Provider: 9%
- Technology: 6%
- Wholesale: 6%
- Government: 3%
- Non-profit / Association: 2%
Decision Makers
- Manager: 29%
- C-Level: 17%
- VP-Level: 5%
- Director: 4%
- Senior: 4%