Monthly Archives: <span>October 2008</span>

Aspen Posts $116.7 Million Q3 Loss; $91.4 Million 9 Month Profit

Aspen Insurance Holdings has reported a third quarter 2008 net loss after tax of $116.7 million, compared with a net profit after tax of $117.2 million in Q3 2007. Operating earnings per share also posted a loss in the third …

Credit Crisis Hits Europe: Coface Lowers UK, Ireland, Iceland Ratings

Coface, the Paris-based business specialist, has issued a bulletin, which notes that the “credit crisis is spreading throughout Europe amid a deepening financial crisis, leading to a sudden squeeze in banking credit, plunging confidence levels, and a slowdown in activity.” …

Northwest Could Learn From 2004 Indonesian Tsunami

The tsunami that killed 230,000 people in 2004 was the biggest in the Indian Ocean in some 600 years, and it has lessons for the Pacific Northwest, geologists said. Geologists say the long gap between tsunamis in the Indian Ocean …

Nevada Cap on Medical Damage Awards Draws Criticism

As 59-year-old Richard Krikalo lumbers through the office of a junkyard he helps manage, he bumps into a desk and clips a wastebasket with his right leg. Krikalo is almost blind in his right eye and has trouble with depth …

Fatalities Up 50% in Animal-Vehicle Crashes

November is the peak month for vehicle-deer collisions, and a new analysis of insurance claims and federal crash data indicate the problem is growing. The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), an affiliate of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), …

Study: California Earthquake Could Cause $200 Billion in Losses

If a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occured on California’s Hayward Fault today, it would result in economic losses between $210 billion and $235 billion, with only up to $30 billion likely to be insured, according to a study by Newark, Calif.-based …

Amputees’ Case Asks If FDA Label Immunizes Drug Firms from Liability

When Diana Levine turned 63 recently, her daughter made her birthday card, drawing on Greek mythology with an illustration of Diana the Huntress, her bow string drawn taut, an arrow ready to fly. But the arm pulling at the bowstring …

3 Months After Tornado, Some in New Hampshire Still Fighting Red Tape

Three months after a tornado ripped a 50-mile swath through central New Hampshire, some residents still are caught in a swirl of red tape as they fight to rebuild their damaged or destroyed homes and get on with their lives. …

Kentucky Farm Bureau Deploys Guidewire ClaimCenter

Louisville, Ky.-based Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. deployed Guidewire ClaimCenter as its next generation claims management system. ClaimCenter replaces KFB’s legacy claims system. KFB said it deployed ClaimCenter to improve its levels of customer service to insureds, claimants and …

Legal Experts in Kentucky Mull Reopening Deadly 1977 Fire

The Kentucky governor said he has asked legal experts to determine whether new evidence warrants reopening an investigation into one of the deadliest fires in U.S. history, a nightclub blaze that killed 165 people more than 30 years ago. Survivors …