Texas wildfire News

Decayed, Broken Utility Pole Caused Largest Wildfire in Texas History: Report

A decayed utility pole that broke, causing power wires to fall on dry grass in the Texas Panhandle, sparked the state’s largest wildfire in history, a Texas House committee confirmed last week. And other poorly maintained power equipment sparked four …

West Texas Ranchers Face Losses After Historic Wildfires

There are burned spots on Jay O’Brien’s ranch outside Stinnett that predate the Smokehouse Creek fire. Over the last several months, small fires — ones that weren’t pushed by strong winds or grew out of control — scarred his pastures …

Xcel Texas Wildfire Legal Reckoning to Take Years to Play Out

Xcel Energy Inc. will likely be wrangling for years with the legal fallout from the wildfires burning through the Texas Panhandle. The experience of utility companies in California and Oregon sued over massive blazes sparked by downed power lines shows …

Xcel Says Its Equipment Likely Involved in Huge Texas Blaze

Xcel Energy Inc. acknowledged that its equipment was likely involved in igniting the worst wildfire in Texas history. But the utility company refuted allegations it had acted negligently. “Based on currently available information, Xcel Energy acknowledges that its facilities appear …

Texas Utility Pole at Center of Wildfire Suit Was Marked Unsafe to Climb

The toppled utility pole that Xcel Energy Inc. has been asked to preserve as potential evidence was inspected and marked with a “do not climb” symbol before the start of the worst wildfire in Texas history, photos seen by Bloomberg …

Xcel Energy Is Sued Over Worst Wildfire in Texas History

A unit of Xcel Energy Inc. was sued over claims that broken power equipment started the worst wildfire in Texas history, which has charred more than 1 million acres and killed two people. The blaze was sparked on Feb. 26 …

Texas Wildfire Destroys 75 Homes

Emergency officials say about 75 homes are destroyed and hundreds of people have evacuated the area after a wildfire burned up to 2 square miles in the Texas Panhandle. The Texas Department of Public Safety said in an email late …