single occurrence News

Nordstrom Lawsuit Says Civil Unrest Was a Single Event, Only 1 Deductible Owed

Nordstrom Inc. has filed suit against its insurers, seeking a court declaration that they must treat nationwide civil unrest last spring and summer as a single occurrence rather that separate events that would require the department store chain to pay …

Determining the Number of Occurrences From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Does a carbon monoxide leak in a duplex apartment building constitute a single occurrence or multiple occurrences for purposes of liability insurance? This question was recently answered by the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeal in Kosnoski v. Rogers, 2014 …

Court Finds ‘Single Occurrence’ Applies to Drywall Claims Arising From One Shipment

The U.S. District Court in Pennsylvania ruled last week that multiple claims that arose from allegedly defective drywall that the insured entity imported in one single shipment from China should be considered a “single occurrence” for the insurance coverage. The …