resilience News

Investing in Climate Resilience Really Pays off, Study Shows

Weather-related catastrophes are increasing in frequency and intensity, and billion-dollar disasters are becoming the norm. The U.S. averages about 10 disasters costing more than $1 billion each year. Investing in resilience and preparedness won’t prevent these losses, but they can …

Viewpoint: Disaster Reduction Requires Advance Plan and Discussion about Lessons Learned

The need for comprehensive disaster risk management has never been more evident. In recent years, major storms, earthquakes, wildfires, tornados, derechos, and other destructive large-scale events have been significant. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there has already …

Report: 90% of US Counties Hit with Disaster in Last Decade

Ninety percent of the counties in the United States suffered a weather disaster between 2011 and 2021, according to a report published Wednesday. Some endured as many as 12 federally-declared disasters over those 11 years. More than 300 million people …

Historic Homes May Prove to Be More Resilient Against Floods

SUFFOLK, Va. (AP) — Whenever historic homes get flooded, building contractors often feel compelled by government regulations to rip out the water-logged wood flooring, tear down the old plaster walls and install new, flood-resistant materials. It’s a hurried approach that’s …

Summer Storms Were a Climate-Change Wake-Up Call For Subways

NEW YORK (AP) — When the remnants of Hurricane Ida dumped record-breaking rain on the East Coast this month, staircases into New York City’s subway tunnels turned into waterfalls and train tracks became canals. In Philadelphia, a commuter line along …

Hurricane Ida Damage Projections Reaching the Scale of Irma, Harvey and Sandy

Insured losses from Hurricane Ida are now creeping into the $30 billion range after catastrophe modelers added damage to properties in the Northeast, putting the catastrophe on par with Hurricane Irma and Harvey in 2017 and Superstorm Sandy in 2012. …

Lawmakers: Ida Damage Shows Need for Infrastructure Upgrades

WASHINGTON (AP) — Shaken by haunting images of surging rivers, flooded roads and subways and other damage caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida, lawmakers from both parties are vowing to upgrade the nation’s aging infrastructure network. As the deadly …

30 Named Storms: Record Hurricane Season Comes to a Close

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — A record-setting Atlantic hurricane season that saw the highest number of named storms officially came to a close Monday. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season set multiple records while producing a …

Easing Fires Not as Simple as Climate Change vs. Forest Work

SALEM, Ore. — Deadly West Coast wildfires are dividing President Donald Trump and the states’ Democratic leaders over how to prevent blazes from becoming more frequent and destructive, but scientists and others on the front lines say it’s not as …

Coastal Flooding Could Hit 20% of World GDP by 2100 – Study

LONDON — Failure to rein in climate change and bolster sea defenses could jeopardize up to a fifth of the world’s economic output by the end of the century, as flooding threatens coastal countries worldwide, according to a study released …