predictive modeling News

Sci-Fi Policing: Predicting Crime Before it Occurs

Los Angeles police are aiming to beat suspects to the scene of a crime by using computers to predict where trouble might occur. The Los Angeles Police Department is the largest agency to embrace an experiment known as “predictive policing,” …

How Predictive Modeling Has Revolutionized Insurance

The use of predictive modeling has forever changed the way insurance policies are priced. The revolutionary tool allows insurers to design ever-more-sophisticated models that tap ever-more-detailed data sets to refine precisely how much each customer should be charged. Casualty actuaries …

New Analytic Methods Provide Statistical Insight Into Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has grabbed headlines recently as a consensus emerges around the risk posed by drivers using cell phones. A presentation at the Casualty Actuarial Society’s Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar held last month showed how new analytic methods are …