personal injury claims News

With $2,300 Phone Calls, Purdue Runs Up Huge Bankruptcy Tab

One phone call with the Department of Justice: $2,300. Two days at the Ritz-Carlton: $830. Oh, and a lengthy cab ride to and from the court in White Plains, New York — that’ll be $1,000. Those are just some of …

Judge Dismisses Chemours Lawsuit Against Dupont

DOVER, Del. — A Delaware judge has granted the DuPont Co.’s request to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that it massively downplayed the cost of environmental liabilities imposed on spinoff company Chemours. Vice Chancellor Sam Glasscock III ruled Monday that he …

U.K. Car Insurance Rates May Rise 28% to Record $1,200 a Year

U.K. drivers may have to pay more than 1,000 pounds ($1,200) annually for car insurance next year, a 28 percent increase, after the government cut a key rate to calculate claims payments. The average U.K. car insurance premium rose 1.8 …

Dismissal Sought by Cosby in AIG Insurance Lawsuit

Bill Cosby, citing financial pressures, asked a federal judge to dismiss or put on hold a lawsuit in which American International Group Inc seeks to avoid paying for his defense against defamation claims by women who also accused him of …

Lawyer Invented Way for Health Care Insurers to Recover From Accident Victims

George Rawlings grabs a stack of computer printouts and stretches them six feet across his office, admiring data from police reports of Florida auto accidents: the names of those hurt and the severity of their injuries. For Rawlings, this information …

Auto Insurance Companies Say False Claims on the Rise

Auto insurance companies say false and exaggerated injury claims are on the rise in Minnesota. The National Insurance Crime Bureau says suspicious personal injury claims have tripled since 2008. Minnesota ranked tenth in the nation in 2011 with 53 such …

West Virginia Mine Blast Survivor Cases Linger With Alpha

Nine men who survived West Virginia’s Upper Big Branch mine disaster want to abandon mediation of their personal injury claims and start gathering evidence for trial because they say the mine’s new owner isn’t negotiating in good faith. The miners …