Oklahoma Supreme Court News

Okla. Supreme: Tort Reform Law Allows Lawsuit Against Employer

Jerry Harwood couldn’t collect workers’ compensation benefits after he was paralyzed when he was struck by a car while trying to cross US Route 66 after leaving his workplace. But a split decision by the Oklahoma Supreme Court on Wednesday …

Okla. Supreme Ct. Ruling Shows Policyholders Shouldn’t Depend on Agent’s Representations

New Dominion LLC taps into oil and natural gas reserves that many production companies avoid. The Tulsa, Oklahoma company operates hundreds of wells that produce from hydrocarbon reservoirs that are saturated with water from ancient aquifers. When oil or gas …

Oklahoma Court Overturns $465M Opioid Judgment Against J&J

The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday overturned a $465 million judgment against Johnson & Johnson in a lawsuit by the state alleging the drugmaker fueled the opioid epidemic through the deceptive marketing of painkillers. The decision marked the latest setback …

Fla. and Okla. Courts Uphold Right to Assign Benefits

Appellate courts in Florida and Oklahoma this week upheld the right of policyholders to assign their right to collect benefits from an insurance claim to contractors, reversing trial court rulings in favor of insurers. The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Wednesday …

Oklahoma Court Says Home Warranty Contract Is Insurance, Nixes Forced Arbitration

A home warranty contract is an insurance contract. That’s the conclusion of the Oklahoma Supreme Court in a case in which the plaintiffs challenged a mandatory arbitration provision in a home warranty contract, maintaining such provisions are not legal under …

Split Okla. Supreme Court Sides With Plaintiffs in Attorney Fee Dispute

An insurer that failed to pay a claim within 60 days cannot be considered the prevailing party even if a claimant is eventually awarded less than the carrier’s settlement offer, a divided Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled. The 6-3 opinion marks …

Oklahoma High Court: Oil Firm Can Be Sued When Worker is Injured, Killed

The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that oil and natural gas companies can be sued when a worker is killed or injured on the job. The state’s highest court struck down a state workers’ compensation law that exempted oil and …

Oklahoma High Court Invalidates Workers’ Comp Rule

The Oklahoma Supreme Court Tuesday struck down the “opt out” provision of the state’s workers’ compensation law, ruling it is an unconstitutional special law that gives employers the authority to single out injured workers for inequitable treatment. In a 7-2 …

Oklahoma High Court Strikes Down Workers’ Comp Rule Deferring PPD Payment

The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday struck down part of the state’s workers’ compensation law, saying the provisions deprived workers of their due process rights and created a subclass of workers. The 7-2 decision invalidates a portion of the law, …

Oklahoma Court Says Workers’ Comp 180-Day Rule Is Unconstitutional

Oklahoma’s workers’ compensation system took a hit on March 1, 2016, when the state’s Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional the provision in the 2013 Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Act that prohibits workers’ comp claims from workers who have been employed less …