magma News

Iceland Evacuates Town and Raises Aviation Alert as Concerns Rise a Volcano May Erupt

LONDON (AP) __ Residents of a fishing town in southwestern Iceland left their homes Saturday after increasing concern about a potential volcanic eruption caused civil defense authorities to declare a state of emergency in the region. Police decided to evacuate …

Island Turns into Open-Air Lab For Tech-Savvy Volcanologists

LAS MANCHAS, Canary Islands (AP) — They come with eagle-eyed drones and high-precision instruments. Aided by satellites, they analyze gas emissions and the flows of molten rock. On the ground, they collect everything from the tiniest particles to “lava bombs” …

Spain’s New Volcano Attracts Visitors, Destroys Banana Crops

LA LAGUNA, Spain (AP) — Traffic jams pack the winding narrow roads of La Palma at dusk as curious residents and visitors flock to snap photos as the Spanish island’s new volcano furiously ejects material into the air and glowing …