La Nina News

Potent Hurricane Weather Pattern Continues to Take Shape, Forecaster Says

The hurricane season continues to look like it will be a highly active one, as a potent and portentous weather pattern continues to take shape, an AccuWeather meteorologist told Claims Journal on Friday. “It certainly looks like it’s going to …

AccuWeather: Record Warm Winter Costs Businesses Billions in Losses

Unseasonably warm winter weather cost businesses and event planners in the northern Plains and upper Midwest billions of dollars in estimated losses, according to estimates from AccuWeather. Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa experienced the warmest winter on record, …

Chances of a Weather-Roiling La Niña This Year Are Now Above 80%

The odds of a weather-roiling La Niña in the coming months are rising, elevating the risk of an unusually active Atlantic hurricane season. The chances of La Niña, a cooling of the equatorial Pacific, rose to 82% for August, September …

La Nina, Which Worsens Hurricanes and Drought, is Gone

WASHINGTON (AP) — After three nasty years, the La Nina weather phenomenon that increases Atlantic hurricane activity and worsens western drought is gone, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday. That’s usually good news for the United States and …

Natural Disasters Caused $313B Economic Loss in 2022 – Aon

Natural disasters, many driven by climate change, caused global economic losses of $313 billion in 2022, insurance broker Aon estimated on Wednesday, of which less than half was insured. Losses from natural catastrophes covered by the insurance sector amounted to …

Australian Floods Could Inundate or Isolate 34,000 Homes

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Around 34,000 homes could be inundated or isolated in Victoria state as a flood emergency continues across parts of Australia’s southeast, an official said Monday. Victoria is the worst-affected state with some towns experiencing the highest …

Heavy Rain Eases in Australia’s East, Flood Threats Remain

SYDNEY –– Heavy rains eased across Australia’s east on Monday, a slight relief for flood-weary residents but authorities warned another intense weather system could hit several inland regions bringing more downpours and triggering flash flooding. Northern Victoria state, southern New …

California Braces for Dry Winter as Western Drought Drags on

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The past three years have been California’s driest on record and state officials said Monday that they’re preparing for the streak to continue. The official water year concluded Friday, marking an end to a period that …

Explainer: Factors Behind Sydney’s Recent Flood Emergencies

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Parts of Australia’s largest city have been inundated by four major floods since March last year, leaving weary residents questioning how many times they can rebuild. The latest disaster follows Sydney’s wettest-ever start to a year …

Weather’s Unwanted Guest: Nasty La Nina Keeps Popping Up

Something weird is up with La Nina, the natural but potent weather event linked to more drought and wildfires in the western United States and more Atlantic hurricanes. It’s becoming the nation’s unwanted weather guest and meteorologists said the West’s …