Harvard News

Theft of Heads, Brains, Skin and Other Body Parts from Harvard Morgue Spurs Lawsuit

BOSTON (AP) – The son of a woman whose body was donated to Harvard Medical School for research purposes filed a class-action lawsuit on Friday on behalf of all families who believe their loved ones’ body parts were mishandled by …

Viewpoint: The Cost of Late Notice to Your Company’s Insurer

Company leaders—whether the general counsel, chief executive, or some other officer in charge—often call their outside counsel when a formal claim is made against them, or a dispute appears headed toward formal litigation. What business leaders often don’t think to …

Missed Deadline Costs Harvard $15M in Insurance for Admissions Policy Defense

Harvard University’s failure to notify its insurer by the policy deadline has cost it up to $15 million in insurance coverage to help it defray costs related to its ongoing defense of its affirmative action admissions program. U.S. District Judge …

Private Climate Firms Say They’re Helping. Scientists Worry They’re Not

As central banks and financial institutions come to terms with climate risks, they are increasingly seeking data and analysis from private providers that “may be operating outside the bounds of scientific merit,” according to Jesse Keenan, a climate risk and …

Harvard Invests in Litigation Strategy That Has Posted Big Gains

Harvard University is committing more capital to a strategy that backs plaintiffs in commercial disputes, delivering robust uncorrelated returns. The strategy is run by IMF Bentham Ltd., a publicly traded company which last week finished raising $500 million for a …