free speech News

Supreme Court Backs NRA in First Amendment Claim Against New York Regulator

The U.S. Supreme Court has revived a claim by the National Rifle Association (NRA) that a former New York regulator allegedly violated the organization’s First Amendment rights by coercing insurers and banks to terminate their business relationships with the NRA …

US Police Weigh Officer Discipline After Rally, Capitol Riot

For two Virginia police officers who posed for a photo during the deadly U.S. Capitol insurrection, the reckoning has been swift and public: They were identified, charged with crimes and arrested. But for five Seattle officers the outcome is less …

Feds Want Deal With North Dakota Over Pipeline Protest Costs

BISMARCK, N.D. — The Army Corps of Engineers is recommending that the federal government negotiate a settlement with North Dakota for more than $38 million that the state spent policing protests against the Dakota Access oil pipeline. In a letter …

Is a Printed Gun Free Speech? This Isn’t Your 1791 Right to Arms

It’s a question of who’s violating the U.S. Constitution when it comes to print-at-home guns — the federal agency accused of recklessly deregulating the weapons or the states that claim they’re a threat to public safety. A federal judge could …

Yabba Dabba Don’t: California Town Rejects Flintstones House

About the photo: This photo taken Monday shows an aerial view of the Flintstone House in Hillsborough, Calif. The San Francisco Bay Area suburb is suing the owner of the house, saying that she installed dangerous steps, dinosaurs and other …

Idaho Supreme Court Rules ‘Defamation by Implication’ Is Actionable

The Idaho Supreme Court says individuals have the right to sue if they think someone implied – but didn’t outright say – something defamatory. The ruling was handed down Monday in a lawsuit brought by former teacher James Verity against …

Activists Oppose Rule Mandating $1M Liability Insurance for Rallies

Some activists are pushing to change rules that require groups to obtain $1 million in liability insurance before holding a protest at the Iowa Capitol, claiming the rule threatens free speech. The Iowa Department of Administrative Services says it will …

Louisiana High School Family Sues Principal, Officials

No matter what the language, school officials cannot punish students for what they say about teachers from home on Facebook, the American Civil Liberties Union says in a lawsuit filed for a Brusly High School student and his family. The …