flight 370 News

Malaysia Says it Will Pay Firm up to $70M if it Can Find Missing Jet

Malaysia’s government said Wednesday it will pay U.S. company Ocean Infinity up to $70 million if it can find the wreckage or black boxes of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 within three months, in a renewed bid to solve the plane’s …

Air Safety Continues to Improve Despite High-Profile Disasters

Since the start of 2014, more than 1,600 people have died in commercial aviation disasters. That rate is up from the preceding three years and results in part from some shocking incidents, including a pilot suicide and the downing of …

Australian Authorities Think Mozambique Debris Most Likely From Flight 370

Two pieces of debris recently discovered along the coast of Mozambique are “highly likely” to have come from missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Australian and Malaysian officials said Thursday. An analysis of the parts by an international investigation team showed …

Chinese Ship Equipped With Advanced Sonar Joins Search for Flight 370

A Chinese ship equipped with advanced sonar equipment will soon join the search for the Malaysian airliner believed to have crashed in the southern Indian Ocean almost two years ago, an official said on Friday. The Dong Hai Jiu 101 …

Officials Meet at Global Safety Conference to Discuss Aviation Calamities

Government and aviation industry officials from dozens of countries are meeting in Montreal this week to try to find consensus on how to keep from losing airliners like the one that vanished without a trace in Asia and another shot …

Malaysia Declares Flight 370 Crash an Accident to Clear Compensation

Malaysia’s government formally declared still-missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 an accident on Thursday and said all those on board were presumed dead, paving the way for compensation claims but angering victims’ families still waiting for evidence of the plane’s fate. …

Authorities Plan Salvage Operation for Missing Malaysian Jet

Despite no firm clue to the whereabouts of a Malaysian airliner being discovered since it disappeared 10 months ago far off the Australian coast, authorities on Thursday invited expressions of interest from salvage operators in case the wreck is found. …

Missing Jet Ocean Floor Search Moves South

A deep-sea search for the missing Flight 370 will move as much as about 800 kilometers (500 miles) further south after new analysis of satellite data showed the plane may have turned earlier than previously thought. The Malaysia Airlines plane, …

Jet-Tracking Debate Persists Months After Malaysian Airline Loss

New generations of satellite networks and airborne technology are making the prospect of tracking airline flights around the globe a near-term reality. There’s just one issue: This equipment wouldn’t have prevented a plane like Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 from disappearing …

New Plan Wanted for Missing Malaysia Plane Jet Search

Their hopes raised and dashed, relatives of passengers on a missing Malaysia Airlines plane want a new plan to find it after the search was suspended following a new setback. The 84-year-old mother of Australian passenger Rod Burrows no longer …