El Nino News

Potent Hurricane Weather Pattern Continues to Take Shape, Forecaster Says

The hurricane season continues to look like it will be a highly active one, as a potent and portentous weather pattern continues to take shape, an AccuWeather meteorologist told Claims Journal on Friday. “It certainly looks like it’s going to …

Kansas Storm Claims Totaled $442 Million in 2023

Kansas storm claims totaled nearly half a billion dollars in 2023. According to numbers shared by the state’s department of insurance, 147,710 claims totaling $442.8 million were paid last year. The Kansas Department of Insurance collected this data from all …

Southern Brazil Hit by Worst Floods in Over 80 Years, Killing at Least 39 People

Heavy rains in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul killed 39 people, with another 68 still missing, the state civil defense agency said Friday, as record-breaking floods devastated cities and forced thousands to leave their homes. It …

AccuWeather: Record Warm Winter Costs Businesses Billions in Losses

Unseasonably warm winter weather cost businesses and event planners in the northern Plains and upper Midwest billions of dollars in estimated losses, according to estimates from AccuWeather. Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa experienced the warmest winter on record, …

Rain, Power Cuts, Travel Chaos Plague New York: Weather Watch

Record rain falling on melting snow and high winds have caused flooding, power outages and grounded flights across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, including New York, in the US. Through midnight, Manhattan’s Central Park received 1.73 inches (4.4 centimeters) of rain, …

Here Comes El Nino: It’s Early, Likely to be Big and Sloppy and Add Even More Heat to a Warming World

An early bird El Nino has officially formed, likely to be strong, warp weather worldwide and give an already warming Earth an extra kick of natural heat, meteorologists announced. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Thursday issued an El Nino …

Unusual Battle of Climatic Titans Will Steer Hurricane Season

Two clashing climatic behemoths, one natural and one with human fingerprints, will square off this summer to determine how quiet or chaotic the Atlantic hurricane season will be. An El Nino is brewing and the natural weather event dramatically dampens …

US Forecasters Call for Near-Normal Atlantic Hurricane Season

HOUSTON – The Atlantic hurricane season will bring an average number of ocean storms and hurricanes this year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said on Thursday. NOAA forecasters estimate 12 to 17 named storms of which five to …

El Niño Could Form During May-July, Persist Through Winter – CPC

The El Niño weather pattern was likely to form during the May-July season, with a more than 90% chance of the phenomenon persisting into the North Hemisphere winter, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. A transition from neutral …

El Nino Watch Called as Odds Grow of Weather-Shifting Event

US government forecasters issued an El Nino watch as the odds increased that the weather-changing phenomenon will arise over the Pacific Ocean, raising the prospects of a below-average Atlantic hurricane season as well as heavy rains and searing heat across …