Farmers Survey Says Some Drivers Have the Rage

November 15, 2004

  • November 16, 2004 at 3:05 am
    Drewboy says:
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    Road rage… On my way back from an insurance company meeting 2 weeks ago I was cut off by an Audi A4. I flashed my brights just long enough to see a middle finger go up. He was way too close to me, otherwise I would have let it go. He then nearly drove his car into the back of a semi trying to pass everyone on the road. He must have been doing 30 over, or 85MPH. I don’t know if rage is a word I would use, but I wouldn’t have felt bad (or stopped) if he HAD run his car into the back of that semi. Cutting in and out of traffic and driving at excessive speeds are both rude to other drivers, and inconsiderate.

  • November 16, 2004 at 3:15 am
    M says:
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    It sounded to me like you both were driving irresponisbly and being inconsiderate. It also pains me to hear you would actually continue on your way and not have any feelings had somone’s son/husband/father lay injured in a ditch due to a car accident. To me that is much worse than any poor driving.

  • November 16, 2004 at 3:24 am
    Chuck says:
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    I am a former police officer. The most beligerent of drivers were the young females. When I stopped them, they would scream at me! One girl I stopped for speeding screamed at me: “I’m in no mood for this so make it fast.” I took my time writing the ticket and she ripped it out of my hand. I think she was late for aerobics. She was ugly anyway so why the hurry? I always enjoyed giving the jerks on the road tickets and other drivers would drive by with thumbs up.

  • November 16, 2004 at 4:19 am
    Ed Pemoy says:
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    Too bad being discourteous or rude has been promoted by the MTV crowd and its ilk. Name-calling and one-up-manship is pure BS; all the little punks who think they are being dissed is a lack of maturity taught by I-don’t-know-who, as surely parents and schools don’t teach that crap. Agression from video games? Who knows? With more security cameras on streets and soon to be on Phoenix-area freeways, maybe the lawbreakers will finally get punished.

  • November 17, 2004 at 9:52 am
    Dan says:
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    Aggressive driving behavior infuriates other drivers… no question. Those that drive 5 miles under the speed limit and won’t yield a lane to those driving the speed limit (or faster) are just as bad. Both drivers cause accidents, congestion, and road rage.

  • November 18, 2004 at 9:27 am
    conservative driver in my old says:
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    Cutting someone off on the road because you can drive faster than he is going, even though you’re both exceeding the legal and safe limits is indicative of selfishness. It says, “My time is more valuable than yours and I don’t care about you.”

    This is true about cutting ahead in any line anywhere. The differrence with it occurring on the road is that you have the power of 200+ horses under your control and can very easily maim or kill many people.

    I think people who exhibit road rage (not juts cutting people off) should be reported by others on the road via cell phones and should be taken off the road, at least temporarily, until they can learn to control thier emotions. We take drunk drivers off the road don’t we? Why shouldn’t we take other dangerous drivers off as well?

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