Connecticut Town Settles Lawsuit over Suspect’s Death

December 8, 2008

  • December 8, 2008 at 7:02 am
    lastbat says:
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    F Lee, I don’t think we can say the cops stood around eating donuts while the dog bit this kid. Dogs can bite very fast. I’d also rather have them send a dog into the bushes than a person. The dog has a better chance.

    I’m with you wudchuck.

  • December 8, 2008 at 8:29 am
    coffee drinker says:
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    I’m with Blossum and F. Lee. A “fist fight” mind you. It was not a bank robbery or an assualt on an old lady, or murder. The cops knew this and sic’d the dog on the kid. The dog bit him! The most rational thing that humans might just do is run from the dog. It is not unrational nor unreasonable act. A jury comprised of flatheads, roundheads, and squareheads, and other human beings, might ask themselves…suppose it was their kid confronted with the same situation. Kids fight. Kids panic. Once cornered…people of all ages do all sorts of rational and irrational things. Self-preservation, maybe? We pay cops for protection and expect them to use their authority in a professional manner. We can only look at what happen and then try to put the pieces together…just like a jury of “non-peers” would do. I think a jury verdict in excess of $1m would be on the low end. The town could “not stare a gift horse in the mouth” here. Rational minds prevailed. Here the “act” of the kid’s death, “does not fit the crime” of a fist fight and subsequent dog bites. The professionals should have exercised better judgment.

  • December 8, 2008 at 9:55 am
    Quack says:
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    Only in Connecticut!

  • December 8, 2008 at 1:06 am
    wudchuck says:
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    we obviously know the family lost a loved one. we know that during times like these, that emotions can frustrate us with good decisions.

    look at the whole issue:

    1) why was this young 18 yr old running away from the police? afterall, they are upholding the law. they probably told the young man to stop more than once.

    2) hiding in a bush? well, i think sending a dog into the bush was correct move. how many times does someone need to get the signal to get from hiding?

    3) running onto the highway?! by now this kid is frantic but not thinking straight. but in reality, it was his fault for running onto the highway. you can’t fault the truck driver for someone acting irrationally.

    but after all this, why did we settle? are we afraid to stand for truth and justice? are we afraid to say that there is a possiblity that our kids can get into trouble?

    there should have been no settlement.

  • December 8, 2008 at 1:33 am
    Dawn says:
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    Didn’t you get the memo? It’s not their fault. How dare a cop actually try to stop someone who is breaking the law. If they so much as fall down and scrape their knee, the city will pay.

    ITA. No settlement. Kid runs from cops, kid gets killed. Sad, but KID’S fault.

    Makes me wonder why cops bother.

  • December 8, 2008 at 3:41 am
    Blossum says:
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    Perchance the reason for settlement is if the case saw the light of a courtroom, the jury award most probably would have been considerably higher. Given this, the city got off easy with the $300k+ settlement.

  • December 8, 2008 at 3:57 am
    Wes says:
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    Another example that the jury system is broken, when defendants can be coerced into ridiculous settlements for fear of what a runaway jury might do…


  • December 8, 2008 at 4:52 am
    F Lee says:
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    If they already caught you, and they cops are sitting around laughing eating donuts while the dog unnesesarily bites you 24 times, I think its time to run. Its actually very rational. There is such a thing as police brutality. Cops have literally killed people while putting them into custody.

    The cops are idiots anyway to not call the dogs off and put the guy into proper custody.

  • December 9, 2008 at 7:18 am
    KEEPITREAL says:
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    wudchuck for President! All this- TRAGIC INDEED! Anyones “fault” other than this kid – ABSOLUTLY NOT !! C’MON w/ the dawn of TV Shows like COPS , all media we see etc…is there anybody who doesn’t know :YOU LISTEN & COMPLY WITH THE DIRECTION OF THE POLICE. “UNWILLINNESS” TO DO SO WILL WORSEN YOUR SITUATION…

  • December 9, 2008 at 8:39 am
    wudchuck says:
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    well, let me put it this way. at the age of 18, you are to be considered an adult and treated as one. you are supposed to know the difference between right and wrong. it’s not a matter of the age of the individual. if you look, some kids under the age of 18 are tried as an adult. it does not matter if it is my kid or someone else’s, wrong is wrong. that might be the card that the lawyer will play, but in reality — he was running from the law! how many times do we have to stop and say, i did it – i am responsible for my actions. with actions comes reactions, laws of newton. it’s like that other article about the kid wearing clogs who got his toe injured while riding the escalator. do we need a label here? if you run into the bush, you might find an animal coming? if you run onto the highway, you might get hit from a vehicle? that trucker, could he not sue the family for suffering? um…um… where will it end?

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