Most insurance agents today are focusing on brand marketing techniques that don’t produce any results. Insurance agents are over spending their money into expensive marketing methods like bulk mailing post cards, door knocking, cold calling, bus bench advertising, and street banners.
While these marketing techniques can increase agents brand recognition in the long run, they do not put them in front of motivated prospects that want to buy insurance. Successful insurance agents get insurance leads from lead generating companies like and
Insurance leads generation services deliver what all other marketing techniques can’t. delivers prospects who want to talk to insurance agents and want to know more about available insurance policies. By investing in insurance leads insurance agents increase their earnings exponentially versus their spending on brand advertisement.
Both captive insurance agents and independent insurance agents can benefit equally from’s real time insurance leads program for the following reasons:
• Insurance leads are delivered to agent’s inbox within seconds of prospect’s request
• Participants report lead to client ratio increase by 40% or more
• Bogus leads can be return for full credit
• No long term commitment is required
All insurance leads are pre-qualified prospects that went through a 30 step automatic approval process before being e-mailed to the insurance agent. These prospects are ideal because these are people who are already looking to buy an insurance policy. Insurance agents understand that it is a numbers game. Agents can receive auto insurance leads, home insurance leads, health insurance leads, life insurance leads, and also cancer, final expense, business P&C, business benefits, disability, long term care, renters insurance leads and annuity leads. When insurance agents get more motivated clients and set more appointments, they will make more sales.
The chance for making sales is increased even further when the prospects are actually interested in the service or product the agents represent. Focusing on prospects that are already qualified will limit the amount of time that otherwise will be spent chasing the wrong prospects. Many insurance agents chasing the wrong prospects get frustrated, because they spend lots of time without being rewarded for it.
Successful insurance agents aren’t wasting their time on the wrong leads.’s insurance lead service gives insurance agents opportunities to speak to motivated consumers that want to buy insurance. They use their time wisely and see their profits increase. No matter what area an insurance agent is working in, a lead service will provide them with the best business opportunity to maximize not only their investment but also their time.
For limited time is offering $200 worth of free insurance leads to agents that activate an account. Follow this link to learn more: