Mississippi Drivers Support Texting While Driving Ban: Allstate Survey

A new survey commissioned by Allstate Insurance Company, focuses on a growing problem on Mississippi’s roads.

Drivers become a much greater danger to themselves and others when distracted by smartphones and other electronic devices while driving. Commissioner of Insurance Mike Chaney supports the growing calls for a ban on texting while driving for all ages.

The recent survey conducted by the Southern Research Group found that nearly half of those polled (43 percent) felt that distracted driving is the single biggest threat to public safety on Mississippi’s interstates, roads, and highways.

The poll also found almost unanimous support (93 percent) for a total ban on texting while driving for drivers of ALL ages.

“Allstate is to be commended for expanding their survey to include opinions concerning a ban on texting for all drivers,” Chaney said. “Texting while driving is often thought to be a bigger problem among teens and younger drivers, when in reality it is dangerous for anyone who gets behind the wheel to be distracted by reading or answering a text on their phones or other electronic devices. Safe drivers need to concentrate on the road ahead and not what’s on their telephone screen.“I would support a ban on texting and driving for drivers of all ages, it makes the roads we travel safer for everyone.”

Source: Allstate