Texas April Wildfires Caused $20.4M in Ag Losses

Wildfires that ravaged parts of Texas in April caused at least $20.4 million in agricultural losses, destroying fences, buildings and grazing pastures, and killing livestock.

A report released by the Texas Agrilife Extension Service said loss estimates for April were preliminary and likely to rise. They don’t include forestry damage.

More than 3,200 square miles have burned in Texas so far this year.

By contrast, wildfires during another fire-ravaged year, 2009, caused about $35 million in agricultural losses that March and April. Fewer acres burned that year, but those fires destroyed more fences, driving up replacement costs, the extension service said.

Hardest hit by this April’s fires were ranch and industry infrastructure, including barns and livestock holding facilities.

More than 500 cattle, horses and sheep have been reported killed.