Texas Agent Accused of Issuing Bogus Insurance Certificates in La.

The Louisiana Department of Insurance announced that a Texas insurance agent has been told to cease and desist engaging in allegedly fraudulent insurance activities in Louisiana where he is not a licensed agent.

The department said Houston-based insurance agent Iftikhar Ahmed Khan, 58, was issued a cease and desist order after it received information from U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement in Lake Charles that Khan, through Khan Insurance Agency, allegedly produced fraudulent certificates of insurance for businesses located in Louisiana. The bogus certificates of insurance were used by the alleged insureds to qualify for and obtain federal government loans through the U.S. Small Business Administration.

The Department of Insurance has no record of Khan ever applying for or receiving an insurance license in Louisiana. Records show he is licensed by the Texas Department of Insurance as president of Khan Insurance Agency, 5823 Hillcroft St., Houston, Texas .

Consumers who have concerns about insurance-related business with any agent or company are urged to call the Department of Insurance Fraud Unit at 225-342-4956 or toll-free at 1-800-259-5300. If callers don’t want their names used, they can request that their involvement be kept confidential.