Mitchell International, LexisNexis Expand Relationship

Mitchell International, Inc. and LexisNexis have formed a definitive agreement to develop an expanded set of product and service offerings to assist insurance carriers with more effectively managing property and casualty claims. Building upon the foundation of their joint Medical Exposure Management collaboration, the organizations have begun development of their next set of combined offerings, which includes Mitchell’s Auto Physical damage data and workflow and solutions aimed at medical provider fraud and abuse.

The extended relationship includes integration of Mitchell DecisionPoint with an expanded set of unique LexisNexis claims data and predictive analytics capabilities. Solutions under development include tools to more effectively and automatically identify collusion, methods to better identify disparities between accident damage and medical treatment and an approach which focuses on the early, accurate and consistent identification of potential fraud and abuse in 1st and 3rd party medical claims within the property & casualty and workers’ compensation markets. The opportunity for greater efficiency through collaboration is especially critical in the area of injury-related claims.

Since the beginning of 2008 through 2010, Mitchell data shows a 31 percent overall increase in medical costs and utilization, more than offsetting an overall decline in claim frequency during this same period. In certain “no fault” states like Florida the problem is particularly acute.

The two companies began working closely together in early 2010 to develop a solution to first address the issue of spiraling medical costs in personal passenger auto. The resulting solution, LexisNexis Medical Exposure Management powered by Mitchell, addresses the challenges associated with the early identification and handling of severe auto injury and other difficult and expensive “special needs” claims situations. The Medical Exposure Management solution allows insurers to obtain the benefits from early clarity and insight into claim book severity, enabling them to handle these claims more efficiently, effectively and with higher levels of customer service.

Source: Mitchell International, LexisNexis