SNL Financial Now Offers MarshBerry Research Reports Online

SNL Financial now offers equity research reports from MarshBerry via SNL’s online information service.

MarshBerry joins a full roster of other leading financial institutions whose research is now easily accessible from SNL.

“We’re very happy to provide our engaged client base of over 25,000 users with access to expert research from MarshBerry,” says SNL President Mike Chinn. “We believe that SNL provides research contributors like MarshBerry with the highest concentration of qualified clients, unmatched by more general channels.”

“We are pleased to join the distinguished list of SNL research providers,” says MarshBerry President John Wepler. “We look forward to providing vital information and statistics to the key members of the insurance distribution sector.”

For details on SNL access to research, click here:

Source: SNL,, MarshBerry,