Zalma’s Claims Book Updated

Barry Zalma, author of Insurance Claims: A Comprehensive Guide, announced the publication of update 105 which contains updates on the following subjects:

— “Chapter III-1: Identifying Insurance Fraud” has been updated to include a detailed review of the science of rear-end auto accidents as it applies to the cost of rear-end auto accident claims.

— “List III-1C” has been expanded to include list of “red flags” or indicators of fraud.

— “Chapter III-2: Responses to Fraud” has been rewritten and updated to include the following information: The rescission remedy as a tool to defeat fraud; in-depth analysis of the Patriot Act and its effect on insurance fraud; new cases supporting the false swearing defense; and an analysis of the role of the insurer victim in insurance fraud cases.

Also, added to the publishers Resources Web site is a detailed review of “Arson Investigation and Motive.”

Insurance Claims: A Comprehensive Guide is updated four times a year and has been updated five times since its initial publication.

The book is available from Specialty Technical Publishers; call (800) 251-0381. STP also published Zalma’s newest book, Mold: A Comprehensive Claims Guide. Zalma can be reached via his Web site or by e-mail at