Saskatchewan (Canada) Board Notes Prosecutions for Late, Non-Reporting of Workplace Injuries

Effective July 1, 2005, employers who fail to report a workplace injury within the five days required under The Workers’ Compensation Act 1979 may be subject to prosecution, according to the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board.

Under the terms of the Act, conviction may result in a fine to a maximum $1,000 for each instance of late or non-reporting of an injury and may mean the full cost of compensation and medical aid received by the injured worker is charged to the employer.

According to WCB CEO Peter Federko, the decision to prosecute employers was made to comply with the legislation and to ensure injured workers receive the services they need to recover and return to work.

“Employers pay the full cost of the workers’ compensation system. Prompt reporting avoids the unnecessary human and financial costs that delays in reporting can create,” Federko said. “Reporting an injury on time also means that we can more quickly and effectively coordinate an injured worker’s medical needs and case management services.”

Notices to employers about the potential for fines will be placed in Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and Moose Jaw newspapers on June 11, 18 and 25.