Ex-Judge Forfeits in Pennsylvania Home in Insurance Fraud Case

A former Pennsylvania Superior Court judge serving a 46-month federal prison sentence for insurance fraud has now lost his home to government forfeiture.

Senior U.S. District Judge Maurice Cohill Jr. has ordered the government to seize ex-judge Michael Joyce’s Erie-area home.

Joyce was convicted of defrauding two insurance companies out of $440,000 he collected after exaggerating injuries to his neck and back following a low-speed auto accident in August 2001. He was also required to forfeit some items he spent that money on, including the house.

Joyce’s wife, Joanne, had challenged the home forfeiture arguing it was unfair for her to lose her stake in the home when she had committed no crime.

Cohill says he sympathizes with the judge’s wife, but says “innocent owner defense” exists to protect her stake in the property.