Father Loses California Malpractice Suit Over Son’s Brain Damage

April 19, 2010

  • April 19, 2010 at 3:47 am
    theinsexpert says:
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    People are always telling me that racism is soemthing from their parents’ past. Well these postings by these anonymous insurance cowards like John and Pedro make it clear that 1) Cousins stil mate with cousins, and 2) Racism still exists in that shallow end of the gene pool.
    And keep in mind that folks with Spanish surnames were here in America long before the majority of you racist scum. So pull your fingers out of your noses, and no, down stick them down there either, and grab the good book and get some religion before it’s too late….

  • April 19, 2010 at 4:16 am
    Jan says:
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    “Justice”???? This is all about taking a free swing at a big verdict. There apparently wasn’t any negligence involved here although the plaintiff and his attorney gave it the old college try since they had nothing to lose and millions to gain. The defendants no doubt were forced to incur legal costs. The plaintiffs should have to pay those when they lose. That’s why the courts are clogged with ridiculous/frivolous litigation. Plaintiffs get a free shot with no consequence when they lose. It’s pretty pathetic when people have to allege negligence on someone else’s part to make some money……regardless of what it’s earmarked for.

  • April 20, 2010 at 9:16 am
    Dawn says:
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    I wonder how long they’d been here? Could the fact that the child was so early be due to the method they came to this country?
    Dragging a pregnant woman across the desert or stuffed in the back of a truck should carry a prison sentence for reckless endangerment. Not a ‘congratulations, you lived and get to stay here free’ ticket.

  • April 20, 2010 at 9:55 am
    djones says:
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    I stand corrected about dad’s citizenship.

    However,don’t citizens have to show a command of the English language? Or, are the materials printed in Spanish for their convenience? Like voter ballots, written driving tests, etc.

  • April 20, 2010 at 12:03 pm
    HippieUniform says:
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    The plaintiff is a Spanish speaking US citizen.

    I feel for the little guy. Had a rough start in life, mother dies from breast cancer shortly after giving birth.

    Not sensing a whole lot of compassion in here for this child lots of posters having a lot of fun calling his dad a bunch of names.

  • April 20, 2010 at 2:52 am
    Mya says:
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    I have to think the frustration is rooted in the fact that many Hispanics come here because they know America is liberal with it’s benefits……to a fault unfortunately. I was born in America, have strong work ethic and worked hard for my, employment, and benefits. I dislike the same things I worked for to be GIVEN to a non-citizen just because he/she stumbled across the border. Part of this country’s economic problems are rooted in providing benefits to those who don’t work for them. I support the notion that illegal’s have no rights in this country until and unless they become productive citizens and can speak the English language.

  • April 26, 2010 at 10:37 am
    TxLady says:
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    Very sad story. The hospital should learn a lesson here. All calls must be recorded and available, and all surgery consent must be verified in writing, even if given ove rhte phone, a subsequent per our discussion, on xx date at xx time, you did give your consent for xx procedure. LA Times did have more to this story than IJ presnets.

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