Bear Attack Lawsuit to Continue

February 3, 2009

  • February 3, 2009 at 7:33 am
    The bear made a mistake says:
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    Went & got itself killed so now it can’t defend itself.

  • February 3, 2009 at 2:59 am
    Rita says:
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    Not surprising considering the pathetic litigious society we live in. Now they want protection from everything including wild animals. Nice work judge… balls to toss the suit. Nice job scumbag attorney for pursuing the case. Nice job Dad, for letting your son get eaten by a bear.

  • February 4, 2009 at 2:39 am
    Shield says:
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    Normally, I’d be here agreeing with you on another “frivolous” lawsuit. However, I continue to see all over our country the reintroduction of wild animals into increasingly urban areas. In most places the government is very secretive about this reintroduction of often dangerous animals. When the word finally gets out that potentially dangerous animals are living in an area, they then threaten the citizens of the area with warnings about hunting or harming these animals. Eventually, as these animal populations grow there are incidents between the wild animals and the humans living in the area. Usually either the animals are harmed and the citizens involved fined and imprisoned or the humans are harmed and excuses made about how the human stumbled between a she bear and her cub, or the animal was crippled and was just looking for easier prey than its normal food source etc. Now, I realize that in this case this happened in a state park and the animal had a “right” to be there. However, the state provided “camping” sites for people to use. If the state is going to keep bears in a park and then tell people that it is ok to camp in the area they are telling them it is safe. Either put the bears in a zoo where they belong, or don’t allow camping and hiking in the park.

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