SARS Risk to Travelers Results in Re-examination of Coverage

The current outbreak of SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is reportedly causing considerable anxiety at organizations with employees traveling internationally, especially to and from Asia.

California-based ABD Insurance and Financial Services, a provider of global risk management and employee benefits solutions, has assembled some background information about the exposure, a list of resources for current news, suggestions to manage the risk and an overview of how a company’s insurance may apply to the current SARS situation.

The SARS resource is provided free as a public service by, an insurance, risk management and employee benefits Web site of ABD Insurance and Financial Services. The compilation of advice and resources includes what an employee can do if he or she believes they have contacted SARS. Insurance coverage varies depending upon the insurer, the state of employment and the circumstances surrounding the illness.

The full document is available at:

Also covered in the information:
*Workers’ Compensation coverage for SARS;
*Foreign Voluntary Workers’ Compensation;
*Business Travel Accident Coverage;
*What employers can do in the event of a claim;
*Outside resources for information and updates on SARS