Men Indicted for Causing Train Wreck in Insurance Fraud Scheme

April 17, 2015

  • April 20, 2015 at 8:52 am
    Former RRcop says:
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    What a couple of masterminds. First of all the car was STOLEN, so the next stop after the hospital would have been jail. Secondly,
    it would be difficult to explain how they got hit by a train but suffered only soft tissue injuries. The force of a 30 car train hitting an automobile is equal to the force of an automobile hitting a soda can (Seriously. Google it).

    And finally, absent some highly unusual circumstances such as being able to prove a crossing gate system was defective or some other significant negligence by the RR, the train has the right of way and they likely would have collected the sum total of zero anyway.

    I hope these guys were high when they dreamed up this plan. Otherwise they have no hope.

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