Supreme Court Favors Elected Judge Recusal In West Virginia Massey Case

June 9, 2009

  • June 9, 2009 at 2:30 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    I was flabbergasted to hear that this judge refused to withdraw 3 times but did not have the integrity to do so; it makes me sick to know that judges do not hold themselves to a higher standard than they require of those it must judge. And Chief Justice Roberts and Alito dissented? Shows you whose pocket they belong in. Massey and other conglomerate are so used to having it their way, so they can spend millions to lobby and haev a greater influence than the average American? It is this kind of business, an America that favors only the prosperous that made “change” the clarion call for the millenium. I only hope that America can survice and return to one-man, one-vote where being rich does not give you political power or undue influence….things like this make me angry: to think Massey attempted to stack the legal deck? and of course, when this goes back to the lower court, who do you think will have to decide the outcome? And you wonder WHY the ACLU can find work? Sometimes it’s just representing those of us without the cash, or voice, to be heard..shame on the West Virginia court; their reputation as backwoodsy bumpkins is deserved. What do you expect when a hick gets rich?

  • June 16, 2009 at 3:50 am
    Johnny B. (Nick) Nicholas says:
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    Was their no—campaigne contributions—laws broken? I would think $ three million dollars WAS OVER THE LIMIT. Where is the W.Va State Attornet Generals Office at —when this is going on?

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