Widow’s Trial Victory in Florida a Setback for Tobacco Industry

February 17, 2009

  • February 17, 2009 at 9:49 am
    nobody important says:
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    Florida, of course. I have doubts that this will stand in the long run. How can anyone say that the dangers of smoking are hidden? How much more information do people like this need? My dad smoked five packs a day, but he knew he was killing himself. Should we be rich now because he died? Silly me, I should have sued.

  • February 17, 2009 at 1:18 am
    Anon says:
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    I thought the tobacco companies paid hundreds of billions of dollars years ago to the federal government and that was supposed to be the end of any other lawsuits brought against them?

  • February 17, 2009 at 1:19 am
    Your conscience says:
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    have you left me in your car?

    It’s called Stockholm syndrome–so oppresssed by coporate America and its right wing bullies and mouthpieces that you have become an advocate for it. Tsk, tsk…lost soul, lost soul…

  • February 17, 2009 at 2:09 am
    cotyre says:
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    its called the screwed up legal system. Did Mr. Hess get assigned any fault for his death or did Phillip Morris make him and his wife purchase the cigarettes every week.

  • February 17, 2009 at 2:11 am
    Mario says:
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    The gentleman smoked for over 40 years. Nobody told him to smoke. That was his choice. The company should not be held accountable for someone who made the choice to smoke. My father smoked for years, and the quit. My belief is that if you smoke it’s your choice, and any health related issues you sholud not have the right to sue the manufacturer.

  • February 17, 2009 at 2:46 am
    shaking my head says:
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    I’m really not sure what you meant by your posting. If we believe in personal responsibility and recognize how egregiously plaintiff friendly the Florida venue is then we are pawns of US corporations and Republicans as well? (half the country is so your odds are good you’ll be right half the time)

    That’s a purty big leap to take there, sir (ma’am?) As the daughter of a man who passed from COPD after 40+ years of smoking I can tell you, he knew it was killing him and he made the choice to continue, as did this plaintiff’s late husband. To blame a company for making a product that someone chooses to purchase and use, knowing the consequences, is ridiculous on the face of it. Blame the gun manufacturer for the man who chooses to blow his own brains out with it? Blame all but the celery growers for the man who dies of diabetes/hypertension/cholesterol blockage after chronic poor and over-eating?

    I’m going to take a leap and suggest since you are reading an insurance journal that you are a plaintiff attorney or readying your own lawsuit blaming Anheuser Busch for your cirrhotic liver or the sun for your wrinkles and incipient skin cancer.

  • February 17, 2009 at 3:18 am
    Matt says:
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    I agree w/all this is BS. The newspaper article on this stated he smoked “to relieve stress”. There are other ways to deal with stress besides smoking. The other issue is the jury pool in south Florida ….. the dead and the dying.

  • February 17, 2009 at 4:20 am
    RIKKY says:
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    Why was he smoking at age 15? He smoked for 40 years and died at age 55???

  • February 17, 2009 at 4:38 am
    Older says:
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    You must be pretty young. The 18-year old age limit wasn’t instituted until sometime in the early-to-mid 1980’s.

    It was 16 prior to that. I’m not sure when that was codified.

    Besides, I’m not sure that law is faithfully enforced.

  • February 17, 2009 at 4:55 am
    wudchuck says:
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    money money money….

    now he’s been doing this for 40 yrs… and they are going to tell me that he could not have kicked the habit? i think what they are trying to say, is that he did not want me make a lifestyle change. we all make choices. first of all, that lawsuit is a joke, because the government knew of it’s recipe and locked it away. but nobody bothered to sue the g’ment, who intern sued the industry. now, if i started a brand new cigarette company, i’d be marketing it to all places, including NASCAR! i have a commodity that someone likes to use even though it’s bad for their health. i would like to see them haul in the various liquor organizations, technically, that is an addiction and many lose their lives in variety of ways. so wake up america, stop blaming your death on everyone else. you make choices and you have to live with it. i made a choice to get married or join the service or ride in an airplane. i could die for a variety of items or things. you see, the picture, is that the government knew about the recipe and the addiction. what made it worse is that they sued the same people it save the recipe in the vault for. it was costing the g’vment money w/medicaid. it doesn’t matter, because most folks don’t read labels. matter of fact, how many of these smokers realize that they are now being taxed for the new law put in effect for childrens health care for those that could not afford it. that includes the illegal aliens childrens going to our schools. if i were a smoker, i’d be staking a claim to the g’vtment for my right of taxation w/o representation. because, not all smokers have kids and what about those kids who have parents who are not paying their taxes to begin with?

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