Florida Reviewing Allstate’s Document Release

April 9, 2008

  • April 9, 2008 at 10:31 am
    Jim Beam says:
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    Maybe J Bob Hunter can slap his monkey to the Allstate website over this info and find it nothing more than a 1970’s handbook from a trial attorneys nightmare.

  • April 9, 2008 at 3:26 am
    tiger says:
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    I can only hope it comes true! As an independent agent competitor ti would really be a boon for them to be put on the sidelines. In the short run it would likewise firm prices and provide a great opportunity for us. In the long run, unfortunately like all government interference in business, it will hurt customers all over Florida, damage Allstate’s credibility needlessly and diminish value for stockholders. Oh well…we never learn do we? I can’t wait for President Obama to tell corporations how much they can pay their CEO’s, that’ll work out swimmingly.

  • April 9, 2008 at 3:30 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Can’t you just picture all the so-called consumer advocates just sitting at their screens drooling over all of this information? Maybe we can find one thing in all those pages that will put this evil company out of business forever. Of course the 99.9% of people who are satisfied with their service are out of luck.

  • April 10, 2008 at 10:52 am
    jimmy says:
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    you apologists are driving me crazy. I can’t even keep up with your self-serving comments on this issue. I’ll just cut and paste what I wrote before: “I own a LARGE company and am all about maximizing profits. But when your way to max profits is by strategically minimizing your responsibility to clients with the inevitable outcome of increasing their misery – that’s just wrong. Do you get the word WRONG? Like your mom telling you not to lie? That’s WRONG. It shouldn’t have to take a court or politicians or legislators to tell you all when something is WRONG. Happy shareholders don’t turn a wrong into a right. And the truth is – you do know this. And when you are lying (double entendre intended) in bed in your older age – with no one but yourself – you will feel it in a way that will depress you beyond imagining. Wake up and grab something better than greed and misery. And whether you do or not – you will be taken down. It would be better if the entire property insurance business collapsed, then to continue this sham. And since I happen to be one of the people who have some slight influence on the situation you can be sure I will be there.”

  • April 11, 2008 at 12:35 pm
    Nobody Important says:
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    Gee golly, you git em jimmy. Let’s see, unless you are a judge I suspect your childish comment about how you have some influence on this suspension is just another insurance company hating post. Are you new or just posting under another name? Well, now we can ignore your postings too, little jimmy.

  • April 11, 2008 at 3:05 am
    jimmy says:
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    But why demean? I didn’t say I had a direct hand in that case but I do have influence on the issues in a federal manner. Regardless of that I’m not an insurance hater at all – I don’t hate any legal businesses. I’m an owner and personally aware of the big business bias. But bad business practices make it hard on all of us regardless of industry and it’s the responsibility of the people who wear white hats in business to clean things up. If you think wearing a white hat is naive or worthy of disdain than rock on man.

  • April 11, 2008 at 5:55 am
    Good Hands says:
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    Jimmy, you miss the point. The McKinsey docs are characterized as evil corporation minimizing loss payout by consumer types like Robert Hunter. To do that they are lifting pieces of information out of context. The better description of the project has to do with creating a system to manage various types of claims in an orderly manner using consistent processes. I call that good business, competitors are calling it a model to follow.
    Characterizations that portray Allstate as greedy and cheap are just that, cheap shots with no more substance that Hunter’s complaints.
    I don’t see our claims staff as anything more than compassionate and busy, always willing to listen to reasonable requests.

  • April 11, 2008 at 6:23 am
    jimmmy says:
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    hope so. honestly, that would be great. guess we’ll see once the good hands opens up and provides the rest of the documents.

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