Miami Airport Terminal Evacuated after Bomb Scare

July 18, 2007

  • July 18, 2007 at 8:50 am
    Anon says:
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    “Possible explosive device” = Ready-to-serve Texas Chilli (you do NOT want to be on a plane with someone when THAT goes off).

  • July 18, 2007 at 9:57 am
    GB says:
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    This is going to turn out to be nothing of course, and thousands of people’s plans will be messed up as a result. By the time a supervisor and their supervisor look at it and then the evacuation order is issued, it must take a half hour. If it was really a bomb the bad guy would have set it off by then. For a terrorist, blowing up a terminal is probably just as good as blowing up a plane, so what would they care ?

    We have lost sight of logic in our pursuit of safety, and given too much power to unthinking drones.

  • July 20, 2007 at 11:13 am
    stampoutislam says:
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    Days of old had the plague. Now there is a new killer but it is not a germ it is the scourge some try to kill a religion..right. The ramblings of some illiterate, spastic pedophile for some reason (most likely stupidity) that some follow. Let them blow each other. The less there are in the world the better place it will be. Get out of Iraq as soon as possible. A total collapse of their society means that only more Muslims will die as the idiots blow up each other. I can shout with joy..hooray there are that many less of them in the world. We can get rid of them all but what a nice thought.

  • July 20, 2007 at 1:04 am
    Al says:
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    Jim Jones was a Communist, and David Koresh was nuts. (And Koresh had broken no laws, except for suspision of child molestation, which would be okay, you know, like Aisha).

    Even so, every five or ten years someone blows up an abortion clinic or whatever in the name of Christ, but every day we see murder in the name of Allah (who started out as the moon goddesss of Mecca). Is that because Islam is a religion of peace?

    So what do you think of muhammed deflowering his wife Aisha when she was ten years-old, Ali? Is that permissable for Musllims today? It is, isn’t it?

  • July 20, 2007 at 1:18 am
    Ruth Collins, CPCU says:
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    We don’t have any Muslims in my neck of the woods. Thanks to your forum, I have been able to make a new friend, Ali. I like to learn about different cultures. I think diversity leads to better relations, and better relations can only benefit my agency and the insureds that I serve.

  • July 21, 2007 at 1:22 am
    truth says:
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    you do not need to have formally studied shitslam/is slime/islam to know it is a moral, intellecual and spiritual cancer. It is based on the deranged rantings of a mass murdering paedophile. It mandates violence discrimination and murder. It is by sub humans for sub humans.

  • July 20, 2007 at 1:31 am
    GB says:
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    According to Webster; in addition to meaning “from the root or origin” radical also has the meaning ” marked by considerable departure from the usual or traditional” I choose to apply that definition to “radical muslims”

    Just like Christians and the Bible, the idea of a diety’s words being recorded by a man is going to introduce changes in subtle meanings. Those subtle meanings after 2 thousand years can make literal translations very misleading. Its not fair to judge an act from 2000 years ago by todays accepted ideas. While I agree that “deflowering” a 9 year old is pretty extreme, you did refer to her as his wife. Relations when you are married are not extreme, and it wasn’t uncommon for women to be married young in historical times when life expectancies were in the teens or low twenties. I am not condoning the act, just saying that its not fair to judge an act out of its historical context.

  • July 20, 2007 at 1:52 am
    Al says:
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    1. Arising from or going to a root or source; basic: proposed a radical solution to the problem.
    2. Departing markedly from the usual or customary; extreme: radical opinions on education.
    3. Favoring or effecting fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions: radical political views.
    4. Linguistics Of or being a root: a radical form.
    5. Botany Arising from the root or its crown: radical leaves.
    6. Slang Excellent; wonderful.

    You might as well pick # 6 as #2 in this case. When they blow up the mall or the church you’re in some day, think about this discussion and remember, Ali had no idea what to say in answer to my many specific questions.

  • July 20, 2007 at 2:10 am
    Ali says:
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    “When they blow up the mall or the church you’re in some day, think about this discussion and remember”

    there was no reason for this comment, outside of ignorance or bigotry, Al.

  • July 20, 2007 at 2:10 am
    Jihad Watch says:
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    Jihad Watch reader Al tells me that he got into an exchange on the Insurance Journal website (you just never know where jihad will come up) in which he mentioned Jihad Watch. This was the response from a poster there named Ali:

    “Spencer Katz of jihadwatch is a leading fundraiser for the JDL and affiliated hate groups.”

    Every time I think I’ve heard everything, somebody comes up with another one. For the record, there is no “Spencer Katz” who has anything to do with Jihad Watch. I don’t know anyone named Spencer Katz at all. Maybe Ali meant me, but my name isn’t Katz. And neither I nor anyone else at Jihad Watch has ever raised any money for the JDL. Nor has anyone here raised any money for any hate group.

    Al told Ali this, but of course he was unconvinced:

    “of course he would deny it, as Spencer Katz has been discredited by every respected news organization in Europe.”

    Well, so much the worse for Spencer Katz, whoever he is, but we haven’t been discredited by anyone. Some have tried, but none have succeeded.

    So what of Spencer Katz, the JDL fundraising machine? He is just another example of the fact that those who oppose my work will say anything, no matter how outlandish and false. But for my part, I’m just going to keep telling the truth. Which, of course, is what makes them crazy.

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