Fla. Gov. Announces Climate Change Summit: Schwarzenegger to Speak

June 19, 2007

  • June 19, 2007 at 2:14 am
    Chilly says:
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    Environmental geochemist Dr. Jan Veizer, professor emeritus of University of Ottawa, converted from anthropogenic global warming believer to skeptic after conducting scientific studies of climate history. “I simply accepted the (global warming) theory as given,” Veizer wrote on April 30, 2007 about predictions that increasing C02 in the atmosphere was leading to a climate catastrophe. “The final conversion came when I realized that the solar/cosmic ray connection gave far more consistent picture with climate, over many time scales, than did the CO2 scenario,” Veizer wrote. “It was the results of my work on past records, on geological time scales, that led me to realize the discrepancies with empirical observations. Trying to understand the background issues of modeling led to realization of the assumptions and uncertainties involved,” Veizer explained. “The past record strongly favors the solar/cosmic alternative as the principal climate driver,” he added. Veizer acknowledge the Earth has been warming and he believes in the scientific value of climate modeling. “The major point where I diverge from the IPCC scenario is my belief that it underestimates the role of natural variability by proclaiming CO2 to be the only reasonable source of additional energy in the planetary balance. Such additional energy is needed to drive the climate. The point is that most of the temperature, in both nature and models, arises from the greenhouse of water vapor (model language ‘positive water vapor feedback’,) Veizer wrote. “Thus to get more temperature, more water vapor is needed. This is achieved by speeding up the water cycle by inputting more energy into the system,” he continued. “Note that it is not CO2 that is in the models but its presumed energy equivalent (model language ‘prescribed CO2’). Yet, the models (and climate) would generate a more or less similar outcome regardless where this additional energy is coming from. This is why the solar/cosmic connection is so strongly opposed, because it can influence the global energy budget which, in turn, diminishes the need for an energy input from the CO2 greenhouse,” he wrote.

  • June 19, 2007 at 2:21 am
    Joe says:
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    Another touchie feelie Summit. Bureaucrats just love meetings.

    Another point: What do they expect when coming out of the Earth’s 6th ice age.

  • June 19, 2007 at 5:49 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    I am so glad to hear the gorebal warming ‘crisis du jour’ is of no consequence. There was no way in heck I would give up my 8.1 liter GMC – its the fastest SUV on I-90 for crying out loud.
    And I know the Governator himself will be
    happy to hear the good news (finally, good news!). You know what they say, Governator – big man, big car.

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