Miss. Couple Appeals Katrina Wind v. Water Ruling

December 22, 2006

  • December 24, 2006 at 7:49 am
    Ray says:
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    Even if the insurance company(ies) win their cases, the lawyers are going to make sure that they will have to raise their rates since they will have paid out so much defending their well-established policy provisions.

  • December 26, 2006 at 9:46 am
    jeff says:
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    this is why allstate and so many other carriers are not writing new business in coastal Mississippi any longer. i am tired of people trying to get something they did not pay for. if they think this is bad, wait until they have to get coverage from the carrier of last resort, then they will see what a bad policy is like.

  • December 26, 2006 at 2:33 am
    gill fin says:
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    Seems like we may move toward an application that is also a policy booklet.
    Is that the issue here? Thats it – put the burden of educating policyholders entirely on the writing agent. What, its not good enough to hand a policy to a client and expect they might read it?
    If I was an agent in a flood zone, I would make sure my clients knew flood wasnt covered for many reasons, two of which are 1) They could become homeless if
    flooded, with or without wind and 2) I may
    sell some flood insurance. What agent would fail to manage to those two key elements when trying to help clients and sustain a business? Oh, thats right, bad agent.

  • December 28, 2006 at 12:32 pm
    Surviving Katrina + The System says:
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    The Agent Should Remember to Have
    Every Client Sign The Flood Refusal Form.

    People who are not in the Insurance Business,really do not understand the policy, nor do they read the small print.
    Most do not have the time and they don\’t understand it anyway.
    Afterall, Insurance is Not Their Business.

    How many people can read their Own Doctors report or understand Medical Records if they are not in the Medical Field?

    #1Policy Holder Mistake:
    Trusting the Company because
    it is one of the Top 5 in the USA.

    What is more insulting, The Homeowner has to show proof to have claims paid.

    Where is the Proof that the Insurance Has to Deny Claims.

    If your home is Uninhabitable,
    Ins must Pay Monthly with a Cap Amount.

    $3,800 per month or
    max of $38,000 per occurance

    State Farm denied this claim too
    because they said Home is Uninhabitable because of the Water!

    Like Katrina winds did not do any damage?
    What blew the Roof off of the Superdome? What Blew High Rise Windows Out?

    American People Must Stand United and Demand Justice for all.

    We are already divided in too many sections, and we are not as strong as we believe.

    Republican VS Democrat

    Black VS White

    Male VS Female

    Catholic VS Jewish, Baptist, etc.

    Gay VS Straight

    Rich VS Poor

    Good VS Bad and that matters.

    God is crying…

    a solid foundation, that will not crumble…

    God Bless America…We\’re In Trouble.

    Every American Family has problems.

    Stand Together & Help One Another.

    It\’s the right thing to do and it\’s free!

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