FEMA Wants $4.7M in Mississippi Katrina Victims’ Benefits

April 24, 2006

  • April 24, 2006 at 3:26 am
    JR says:
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    Yeah, I\’m sure you\’ll get people that just run right to the govenment to hand back money that they no longer have. If they would have been a little more diligent with OUR tax dollars before they threw this money at folks that did not deserve it we would not be looking in vain to get it back. Way to go FEMA

  • April 24, 2006 at 3:39 am
    MB says:
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    What I can\’t believe is that they\’re actually going to have the nerve to ask for some paltry payments they made to folks that are utterly destitute and still living in trailers 8 months after the event (excluding the fraud of course). FEMA dropped the ball long before they overpaid some of these folks, but considering what the residents in those areas have endured, I say let \’em keep it!

  • April 25, 2006 at 9:02 am
    Sam says:
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    Since when is anyone entitled to keep something they are not rightfully (or legally) entitled to? I do sympathize with those that lived through this mess, and have still not had their lives, homes, etc. restored, it does not mean anyone should receive benefits they are not entitled to receive. That is theft. It is not only against the law, but it is morally wrong!

  • May 2, 2006 at 7:43 am
    J says:
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    FEMA is not asking for the money back from the people who are in trailers and those that had the need for the money, but those who collected the money because it was easy money. To those who didn\’t need it, but took advantage of the catastrophic situation and FEMA trying to meet the need at the time. FEMA gave the money out if people said they had a need, there was not the time to determine the need by usual channels. FEMA depended on the honesty of those who said they needed the money. Then there is the category of those that would usally have the means to support themselves, but due to the catastrophic nature of the storm, banks were not open, ATM\’s were not working or not there, and phones were not working to make the contact to the insurance company that they were insured with in case of a situation where they needed there insurance, such as this. These people, who are honest will have no problem paying back, that which America loaned (facilitator-FEMA). The people that have no homes, are still living displaced due to the devastation of the hurricanes are not the ones FEMA is trying to get the money back from. If one of those people do get a letter, I\’m sure they would now have the time to show \”need\” and not be required to pay that back. For those that took advantage of the situation, DO THE RIGHT THING, GIVE THE MONEY BACK! There is still a great need from the Katrina, Rita and Wilma hit areas and Hurricane Season is right around the corner.

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