Fla. Attorney General: Price Gouging Complaints Rise for Repairs, Cleanup

November 2, 2005

  • November 2, 2005 at 3:18 am
    The solution says:
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    Gasoline to be priced at 1994 levels!

  • November 3, 2005 at 10:54 am
    Hal says:
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    Looks like going to Florida to work is a guaranty of trouble. Let Floridians fix Florida.
    ….and while your at it, go ahead and price gasoline at below market prices so they can use hand saws. Exercize is good for you.
    Price cheeze burgers at 10 cents. They used to cost that.

  • November 3, 2005 at 1:04 am
    Bert says:
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    Florida\’s system of regulation and administrative oversight works well. Florida\’s insurance system is a model of how to get other states to pay for your insurance.

    Make sure that you force rate filings below cost and then chase out the standard market.

    After this occurs make sure that you make the E+S market as difficult to access as possible and make sure you cap fees and commissions.

    After all normal options have dissappeared then create a govermental insurance entity with inadaquate rates and liberal coverage terms.

    When the inevitable storms and claims occur feign surprise and state repeatedly that no one expected a hurricane or two to hit the coast with the amount of damages that occurred.

    The ask for a federal bailout and assess all carriers that operate in the state.

    Mix in some incompetent judicial interpretation and onerous regualtion along with copious fraud and corruption.

    Then administratively rule that everyone is making too much money and rollbacks in all areas are needed.

    Great state…proud that my tax dollars go support this pinnacle of state evolution.

  • November 3, 2005 at 1:45 am
    Hal says:
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    Looks like Florida is a great place not to work. Thanks for the tip.

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