Duo Arrested Attempting to Falsify Marriage Documents, Claim $100,000

August 5, 2005

  • August 8, 2005 at 2:33 am
    Take the Plunge, Tie the Knot says:
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    Why do people live together for years and years and avoid the altar? I guess because the person that has more money does not want to have to be forced to share it with their former beloved if things go south?

  • August 8, 2005 at 4:06 am
    Texas calls it marriage! says:
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    Mainly because marriage vows are considered temporary anyway these days. Texas allows “Common Law Marriage” meaning if you spend a night together, you are married! How is that for handy , , , ,

  • August 9, 2005 at 9:40 am
    TX Resident says:
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    Get it right. Just spending the night together does not constitute a common-law marriage in TX. The “couple” actually has to represent themselves as married (i.e. introduce the other person as the proverbial ball & chain) and live at the same residence.

    Thank goodness there are those limits, or I’d be married to an awful lot of people right now…

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