Builders Insurance Chooses Cypress Care for Workers’ Comp Pharmacy Benefits Manager

Cypress Care, a provider in workers’ compensation pharmacy benefits management, announced an agreement with Builders Insurance Group of Atlanta, a writer of workers’ comp and general liability in the Southeast, to manage their workers’ comp pharmacy benefits.

Confident its services equate to concrete savings for its prospects, Cypress Care performed a three-month pilot program for Builders Insurance. During the first two months, Builders confirm Cypress Care’s promise with a significant cost reduction on their total pharmacy spend.

Cypress Care eliminated the need for Builders to handle paper bills and reportedly greatly reduced the number of unjustifiable prescriptions relating to workers’ comp pharmacy. Builders further found Cypress Care’s functional and flexible software applications to fit well with its technology/communication strategy.

Builders’ reported positive experience has led it to entrust Cypress Care with managing not only pharmacy, but also durable medical devices, MRI, physical therapy and home health for workers’ comp.