La. Attorney General Seeking Nursing Home Owners

September 12, 2005

  • September 12, 2005 at 9:03 am
    Anna C Parker says:
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    We’re Paying that Our Aunt is still alive , I just can’t believe that those helpless Angles were feft there to die !! My heart aches every time I think of the way they died . I’m praying you can find out, why this terrible thing has happened to our loved ones! thank you for caring Anna Parker

  • September 12, 2005 at 1:35 am
    Amanda says:
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    Personally, I find this horrendous and unforgivable. As a health provider of any type, you have an obligation to provide help and security to the patients that you are caring for. If I would have been in that situation, I would have died trying to save those patients. There would have been one more body in the count. Anyone that could leave knowing that those people had no way of getting out is not only cowardly but deplorable. And to the ones who did leave those elderly people to drown, may your nightmares be filled with their faces everynite.

  • September 13, 2005 at 8:14 am
    Deryl says:
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    Jumping to conclusions and turning into a lynch mob, is no better than the idiocy of Kathleen Blanco who requires twenty-four hours (to ask her husband) to make a decision.
    It was reported on Fox that the owners where IN the nursing home with THEIR families. This is hardly abandonment.

    How many people can you holdup when YOU are swimming?

    Also, the majority of nursing homes in the area did NOT evacuate.

    No matter the outcome of this tragedy, a jury is best to make ANY judgements AFTER they hear the facts.

  • September 13, 2005 at 12:19 pm
    Clark Minton says:
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    All recent roads have lead to critising the Federal response and President Bush. It will be interesting to see if by some illogical & bizarre way of twisting of the facts will this also be blamed on Federal authorities and the President.

  • September 13, 2005 at 12:48 pm
    Anne says:
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    Of course, there’s a connection to the feds and the White House – Medicaid funding. Someone will no doubt envision a scenario in which the federal administration should have been responsible for monitoring weather conditions and evacuating recipients in harm’s way. Seriously, I do hope they find a way to bring criminal charges against the owner/operators of the facility, but there isn’t adequate punishment available to the justice system for this level of neglect.

  • September 13, 2005 at 1:18 am
    Amanda says:
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    When you commit yourself to carrying for the elderly, children or even animals, you should do everything humanly possible to protect and care for those you made that commitment to. Where were the officials of this nursing home when these patients were dying? Were they trying their best to get them out? I also heard a nasty rumor..the staff made name tags for all the patients. Why??? So they could be identified when found? They took the time to make name tags but not to try to get them out.

  • September 13, 2005 at 1:22 am
    1 finger points, 3 point back says:
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    I agree totally and hope the person(s) who left these people to die on their own with no one to try and help them have nightmares for the rest of their lives. The only problem is, if they were not already trying to be classified as disabled to get their monthly “guvment” checks, doing so might put them in that category. Unfortunately it is a sad example of the “it is all about me” thought process prevalent in these times.
    Those who point fingers quickly as local and state officials are doing in Louisiana are do so to try and cover up their own errors and inadequacies. I for one would love to see their written evacuation plans and disaster procedures. Did they have them? Did they make sense? Did they do trial runs to see if they worked? IF SO, WERE THEY USED? Screaming louder as the inept mayor said was his answer to the question of what he would differently if given the chance to do it over. Using your brain would have resulted in using the now floating and useless school buses to take those without transportation or who were truly handicapped or incapacitated (nursing homes residents) to higher ground thus saving those lives AND saving the buses. Just because the buses were (hopefully) insured is not a reason to not take them out of harms way and most importantly help others at the same time. Those people who drowned would have been much better off in one of those buses with a fighting chance to live than no chance at all. If you are the mayor, your job would include knowing and thinking about those nursing homes and doing your job to be sure they were evacuated or were in the process of being evacuated instead of crying over it after the fact and trying to blame it on someone else. He needs to be fired and charged for gross misconduct and dereliction of duty along with any other city or state agencies that did not do their jobs either.

    God Bless those people and may they rest in peace after their last moments spent in hell on earth.

  • September 13, 2005 at 3:45 am
    George says:
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    I hope we are not being to quick to judge. I don’t think a lot of the hospitals were able to completely evacuate. I think I heard of one called Charity Hopistal that didn’t completely evacuate as well as the hopital at Tulane. I’m sure in hindsight they wish they had gotten out but this was the worst natural disaster in our history. Apprently 35 patients were saved with the help of the owners. It isn’t a ship. Aren’t the owners allowed to save themselves? I’m not going to have a mob mentallity and pre judge these people until I know more.

  • September 13, 2005 at 3:52 am
    Weather reports? says:
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    2 – 3 days of weather reports saying it is a big one and it is going to hit New Orleans is not enough to motivate people to evacuate? What would be then?

  • September 13, 2005 at 5:30 am
    George says:
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    I agree that everyone should have left but can we prsecute people just because they made a mistake and didn’t evacute? Maybe this is the only nursing home that didn’t do it. I don’t know. I sounds bad for the owners.2BEOF2

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