I guess the same argument and logic can be applied to almost every other form of insurance coverage. We should seek to to provide federal government subsidization to property insurance as well by this logic. Climate change has created an ever more probable occurence of catastrophic natural disaster.
How about work comp too. The weakness of the job market and uncertainty of attaining long time employment will increase the likelyhood of ever increasing comp claims…lol this is such a fear mongering joke. Just a petty way for insurers to shift the direction of responsibility and cost off to our already bankrupt government. This in turn creates an environment for these companies to act recklessly and irresponsibly by removing their own risk of liability.
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I guess the same argument and logic can be applied to almost every other form of insurance coverage. We should seek to to provide federal government subsidization to property insurance as well by this logic. Climate change has created an ever more probable occurence of catastrophic natural disaster.
How about work comp too. The weakness of the job market and uncertainty of attaining long time employment will increase the likelyhood of ever increasing comp claims…lol this is such a fear mongering joke. Just a petty way for insurers to shift the direction of responsibility and cost off to our already bankrupt government. This in turn creates an environment for these companies to act recklessly and irresponsibly by removing their own risk of liability.